
Thursday 6 June 2013


Just leafing through the Carrick Advertiser newspaper which carried an article about our recent day of action in the town.

The headline was "BNP VISIT SPLITS OPINION".

At the time of our visit I can confirm, (I was there), that we were well received and were confronted with not one negative comment. On the contrary we received many supportive comments from people sick and tired of debate on issues, such as the effects of Islam on the UK, being permanently stifled by the political correctness , and indeed the cowardice of our establishment politicians.

Photo: BNP NI members out today in Carrickfergus, our leaflets where well received by the public.


In fairness the Carrick Advertiser printed "verbatim" comments made by our Regional Organiser Steven Moore on the BNP website.

“ As part of the “ Day of action” British National Party Northern Ireland activists were on the streets of the historic town of Carrickfergus in Co Antrim.

Hundreds of leaflets were distributed demanding action over the continuing Muslim paedophile scandal and the calling for Islamic hate clerics to be kicked out of the U.K.

Regional Organiser Steven Moore said “ In light of the horrific ritual killing in Woolwich last Wednesday there is a real sense of betrayal amongst our people.
As a result our leaflets were very well received indeed. People realise that only the British National Party have the guts to highlight issues of the “Rape Jihad” and Islamic violence on our streets.

Our message is that, due to the burgeoning Muslim population here, Northern Ireland will not be immune to Islamic violence. We also will pay the price of enforced multiculturalism and mass immigration. I believe that this message is now being taken on board.”

They (Carrick Advertiser), also “allegedly” solicited the opinions of locals, one pro BNP and another anti BNP.
The anti BNP comments were as usual pro multicultural drivel !

They alleged our actions were dangerous incitement to hate, and that we were insinuating that “all members of the Muslim community are paedophiles and are a predatory threat to white women in general.”

We believe that beating, drugging and raping of little white girls, blowing up of buses and tube trains, cutting people’s heads off in broad daylight in London and screaming  that the victim will rot in Hell is real hatred and incitement!

Our leaflets make no insinuations that all Muslims are paedophiles at all. They are simply demanding that not only the perpetrators of this racist Muslim “ Rape Jihad” against white children be brought to justice, but also those guilty of the establishment cover-up by means of a public enquiry. Why would anyone in their right mind criticise us for that?

And if you think this particular problem is nothing to do with religion and race read Dr Taj Hargey, a Muslim cleric, writing in the daily Mail.

Next to be wheeled out to criticise our day of action was Ulster Unionist  MLA ( Member of The Legislative Assembly) Roy Beggs Jnr.

Mr Beggs, in his diatribe, of course tried to ignore the fact that we were on the streets not only as UK citizens to demand a UK public enquiry, but to also raise public awareness of the threat of Islam to our society.

Mr Beggs said “ I find it very strange that the BNP come to Carrickfergus and campaign against racist paedophilia.”
He went on to talk about organised crime gangs and people trafficking , a somewhat different issue.

He of course omitted  to mention that Islamic terrorism and rape gangs, as well as the eastern European people traffickers he alluded to, exist in the UK because of mass immigration, asylum and enforced multiculturalism!

Mr Begg’s Ulster Unionist Party, (led by a former newsreader) , is now a shadow of it’s former self, the Lord  Laird scandal another nail in it’s sarcophagus.

Like other parties in Northern Ireland, except us, they don’t even have a policy on immigration. In fact if they ,( The Ulster Unionist Party) , were a person , as one wag recently commented on Twitter, I would buy them a one way ticket to the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland to end it all !


I expect that the legendary, and magnificent patriot, Enoch Powell, who ended up as an Ulster Unionist MP, is now spinning in his grave.
Worse still Edward Carson must be trying to dig his way out of  St Ann’s Cathedral by now, such is the disaster that has beset Unionism!

We wonder why the Carrick Advertiser does not even have a letters page to give us the right to reply?
Of course when we dig a little deeper we find it is part of the Alpha Newspaper Group.
This group is part owned  and chaired by retired UUP politician Lord Kilclooney formerly known as John Taylor !
Quelle surprise !

Message to Mr Beggs and is party, and indeed any other party in Northern Ireland.
We will not surrender and will continue to highlight, by whatever means necessary, the evils of multiculturalism and the wicked attempt to replace the indigenous people of our nation.

Better still we are prepared to debate the issue of the failed doctrine of multiculturalism and mass immigration and asylum with Mr Beggs in public, in front of the people if he so wishes.

Until then he can slither back under the stone from whence he came !

Monday 3 June 2013


Good letter to DUP (Democratic Unionist Party ) MLA  Jonathan Bell from one of our members bringing his attention to the disastrous impact of immigration to Northern Ireland.

Not that Mr Bell will be in the least concerned about what happens to the indigenous people of this country . He is more interested in infantile name calling against us such as “Holocaust deniers” and “Fascists”.


Telling indeed that neither his party, or any of the other parties in Northern Ireland, except the BNP ( UKIP’S pretend policy doesn’t count) has any policy pertaining to the emotive issue of immigration !

Still don’t think that immigration and enforced multiculturalism are a dangerous mix for Northern Ireland?

It’s been revealed that the white Muslim convert  who threatened to kidnap and kill Prince Harry  is one Ashraf  Islam or Mark Townley as he was known in his hometown of Bangor in County Down!

Apparently this piece of human excrement was “radicalised “ in prison in Northern Ireland by immigrant Jihadist criminals!


We wonder if Mr Bell and is party think this part of the enrichment brought to our society via mass immigration and asylum, and the enforced multiculturalism that the establishment so rabidly promote, is good for us?

Does Mr Bell not see the irony? While campaigning against Human trafficking he shuts his eyes to the root causes, mass immigration and asylum, and criticises those who have their eyes wide open!

The people of Northern Ireland need to heed this wake up call, and now!

We don’t expect an answer and doubt very much that he or the Belfast Telegraph will respond to the following letter, enjoy!

Dear Mr Bell
I wondered what you had to say about the comments in the Tyrone Courier made by Lord Morrow concerning the  predicted increase in the population of Dungannon over the next eight years?

 Lord Morrow says "The indigenous population must brace itself for massive change over the next ten years if the predicted population increase is realised"  he then goes on to say, " It would be foolish to ignore that a population growth of these proportions will also bring pressures. If a swell in the population is due to people moving to the area without work or the prospect of work, steps must be taken to ensure this is prevented".

 Do you think Lord Morrow wants to stop a flood of even more migrants descending upon Dungannon, with schools, health services and housing already under immense strain?  This article is telling us that there are 14 schools in the Dungannon area  which are already  overcrowded, how are they going to cope with even more migrants coming into Dungannon? 
 Of course this is not the only area in NI that finds itself flooded with migrants putting our services under strain. This is why NI needs the British National Party.

I will also be sending a copy of this letter to the Belfast Newsletter.

Yours sincerely
Christine Jones