
Wednesday 16 October 2013

October Newsletter.

October's edition of the British National Party Northern Ireland's popular newsletter highlighting the damage of immigration,asylum and enforced multiculturalism and republican sub human jihad against the Unionist community. Please feel free to print and share with friends.



Polish drug gangs cause havoc in Dungannon. 

Armed Polish narco-gangsters are busily engaged in a war with rival Polish and other immigrant gangs over drugs ,turf and no doubt prostitution 
.“Twelve men attacked and set fire to a house in Co Tyrone as part of an escalating suspected drugs feud between rival Polish factions, the High Court heard. Police had earlier put out a fire at the property following a 999 call from the occupants.A prosecution barrister said a gang of Polish men armed with weapons had broken through a back door and tried to get upstairs. A twelfth suspect was hit on the head as he attempted the ascent and later taken to hospital. The intruders then ransacked the house and lit a fire in the hallway, throwing clothes and a television set on the blaze before leaving, the court heard. Inquiries revealed the cars had travelled from the Irish Republic into Dungannon to mount the attack.” (Belfast Telegraph Oct 7th) 

This is the true face of uncontrolled mass immigration and asylum as well as our membership of the E.U. It is also frightening that gangs of armed foreigners can cross our border with the Irish Republic with impunity. Is this the vibrancy and benefits brought to our country by migrants ?
Republican ghoul’s memorial for Shankill bomber.
Plans by republicans to stage a commemoration rally for Shankill bomber Thomas Begley have infuriated relatives of victims killed in the IRA attack. With tensions already running high in the area the IRA and their supporters decide they should wallow in their barbarity, killing innocent men, women and children, by celebrating terrorist scum Begley who blew himself up with his own bomb.
We find this absolutely sick, abhorrent but unsurprising as these sick ghouls are nothing more thansubhuman scum. We regret that Begley’s fellow subhuman murderer Sean Kelly was not consigned to hell with him instead of being allowed to continue to direct republican terrorism on the streets of Belfast. Even if this event does not go ahead the families of the victims, and Begley was a victim maker not a victim, will have been left deeply upset.
Who are the PSNI and Secretary of State protecting?
The news that the probe into the 1972 massacre in the Claudy bomb has been met with disbelief not only by the victim’s families but by the wider Unionist community. Representatives of the vile PSNI told families that the probe into the IRA atrocity, which killed 9, including an 8 year old girl, is being brought to a close. Considering the state spent in excess of £200 million on the Bloody Sunday inquiry and countless millions on other probes at the behest of Sinn Fein/IRA, this is yet another example of one sided justice.
 It is well known that Deputy First Minister, (Machine gun), Martin McGuinness was the senior IRA commander of the area at that time. Therefore it would be inadmissible that he does not have any knowledge of who planted the bombs! So it wouldn’t be beyond the realms of possibility, and we believe, that it is very convenient for Matt Baggott and Theresa Villiers to protect McGuinness and other senior republicans by brushing this outrage under the carpet. The British National Party demands that this inquiry is reopened and the perpetrators, and anyone who withheld information, be brought to justice.
Hate to say told you so, but told you so ! Russian and other eastern European Mafias are reportedly running amok, fighting with locals, dealing in drugs and worse in the Donegal Pass/ Village area of south Belfast. As the BNP have warned many times in the past this is the inevitable price our communities are and will pay because of uncontrolled immigration, asylum, enforced multiculturalism and the politically correct paralysis which has all but halted any debate on these issues in the public domain. Our “so called” political class continue to turn a blind eye while filling their pockets. Is this the future you want for your kids and grand-kids?
Clothes-horses for Roma gypsies! You will be delighted to learn, ( You couldn’t make it up), that Belfast City Council has supplied the Roma in South Belfast clothes-horses free of charge because they were hanging their laundry over hedges and walls etc. In these times of austerity when old people have to suffer because they can’t heat their homes this is an absolute disgrace ! Belfast ratepayers should contact B C C  028900320202 and demand a clothes –horse. After all it would be discrimination to refuse !
Angry like us? If you have any info on the damage being inflicted on our country by enforced multiculturalism and mass immigration and republicanism in your area let us know.
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