
Friday 28 December 2012


I recently submitted a Freedom of Information request to the inept UKBA with regards to the illegal immigrant/asylum seeker holding pen in Larne Co Antrim which was once our police station.
Sadly now especially at weekends I fear there is probably nothing more than a desk Sgt,( probably filling his face with ethnic takeaway food), and some cardboard cut-outs of police officiers.
Never mind as long as all the illegal aliens and bogus asylum seekers are kept warm and well fed, local taxpayers and ratepayers can go and hang!

I wasn't expecting any great results from my request in an increasingly "Orwellian" society where we are fast losing any freedoms we have.Bear in mind that I submitted this request as a private citizen and not a representative of a political party.
However the response I received was so "jaw dropping" in it's lack of information and bureaucratic smokescreen language that even I, who is well aware that the no longer a democracy, was taken aback.


Readers should remember that our local traitor Councillors in Larne lambasted the British National Party for opposing this holding centre in the town. We were at the time called "racist scaremongers" by the DUP
( Democratic Unionist Party) and others. In fact it was Bobby McKee of the DUP who said of illegal immigrants and bogus asylum seekers " They came here to do the jobs we don't want to do".
Incredible that people are duped time and time again into voting for people like these who are so blinded by political correctness they can't see the damage that has been inflicted to our nation by uncontrolled mass immigration and bogus asylum.

If mass immigration and asylum is so beneficial to the U.K. why does the UKBA not reveal the information requested. Have they something to hide? I believe the answer to that is a resounding yes! They need to hide the true horror of the open door "ethnic cleansing" policy started by the treacherous war monger Blair and allowed to continue unabated by the "pantomime horse" That is our coalition government!

It's also beyond believe that the UKBA quotes costs (£600) as one of the reasons for not giving the requested information when the UK has spent a fortune on legal aid for Islamic extremist terrorists and inquiries demanded by the IRA such as the Bloody Sunday inquiry which cost us in excess of £200 million!
We also continue to lavish £12 billion plus per anum on other countries while our own people suffer!

They of course also said it wouldn't be in the public interest to divulge the true cost of the ethnic cleansing of the British race. If it was not so serious a matter it would be funny. Unfortunately our imminent destruction is far from funny!


I copied some of the responses to my questions below.It's heavy going but I would ask you to persevere. You now surely can be in no doubt about the kind of corrupt dictatorship in which we now live.

Dear Sir,
Thank you for your email dated 26 November 2012 regarding Larne House
Short-Term Holding Facility. Your request falls to be dealt with under the
Freedom of lnformation Act 2000. You have asked the following:

"With regards to the immigration removal Centre Larne House 2 Hope Street,
Larne. Co Antrim BT40 1UR,I would like the following.
1) Since the opening of this facility how many detaineeis have passed
through it?

lnformation on people entering, leaving and in detention, held at Larne House
short term holding facility is available at the end of each quarter and can be
accessed from table dt.01.q, dt.03.q, dt.06.q, dt.10.g and dt.11.q of the latest
detention tables:
h tt p : //www ; h o m e off i ce . o o v . u k/ p u b I i ca t i o n s/ s ci e n ce -res e a,rc h -
2_0 1 2ld ete ntio n -q 3-20 1 2-tabs ?view=B ina ry
Further information on detention may be found in the latest release of
lmmigration Sfafr'sfics, available'from the Home Office Science, Research and
Statistics landing page at:
http ://homeoffice. gov. uk/science-researchlresearchstat
i sti cs/m i q rati o n/m i q ra t i o n-stali sti cs 1 /

2) Of these detainees how many have been deported from the United

3) During the period between now and the opening of the facility, how
many detainees have been given leave to remain in the United
Kingdom and been housed by local authorities?

Under section 12 of the Act, the UK Border Agency, as part of the Home
Office, is not obliged to comply with an information request where to do so
would exceed the cost limit.

I can confirm that we do hold the information you have requested in questions
2 and 3 but have estimated that the cost of answering these would exceed the
£600 limit and we are therefore unable to comply with it. This is because from
the published data, 559 people passed through Larne House between July
2011 and the end of September 2012 and so to enable us to provide you with
the information requested we would have to check both electronic and paper
records for each individual at disproportionate costs.
The £600 limit applies to all central government departments and is based on
work being carried out at a rate of £25 per hour, which equates to 24 hours of
work per request. Prescribed costs include those which cover the cost of
locating and retrieving information, and preparing our response to you. They
do not include considering whether any information is exempt from disclosure,
overheads such as heating or lighting, or disbursements such as
photocopying or postage.

Section 16 of the Act states that we must include advice, wherever possible,
on how you might refine the request to bring it under the limit. For example,
reducing the time period however, we would still have to check through
individual records which we estimate would still exceed the cost limit.
Even if a new request were to fall below the f600 limit, the information you
request might be withheld under the terms of a number of substantive
exemptions contained in part ll of the Freedom of lnformation Act 2000.
These exemptions could also make it necessary for us to extend the period of
responding beyond the usual 20 working day target if they involve having to
consider the public interest balancing test.

4) What was the total cost to build this facility within the existing PSNI

5) What has been the total cost to the UK Border Agency of running this
facility since it's opening?"' . ' -.,:

With regards to questions 4 and 5, I can confirm that we do hold this
information but I have, however, decided not to communicate to you the
information that you have requested pursuant to the exemption under section
43(2) of the Freedom'bi lnformation Act 2000. Section 43(2) allows us to
exempt information if its disclosure would, or would be likely to, prejudice the
commercial interests of any persons.

lf we were to disclose the information you have requested, this would be likely
to prejudice the commercial interests of both the Home Office and those
companies with whom the Home Office enters into contracts.
This exemption requires us to consider whether, in every respect the ,public
interest in .maintaining the exemption stated above, outweighs the public
interest in disclosing the information
We have considered the public interest in disclosing the information to you.
There will be a public interest in immediate disclosure to ensure that there is
full transparency in the Home Office's use of public funds and in particular to
maintain the Department's accountability to taxpayers. Disclosure of this
information would also enable the public to assess whether or not the Home
Office is getting best value for money in terms of  its contracts with those. who
manage its immigration detention facilities.
We have also considered the public-interest in maintaining.the.exepptionrto
communicate. There is a public interest in Government departments, being
able to secure contracts that represent value for money and anything that
would undermine this is not in the public interest. Value for money.can be
best obtained where there is a healthy competitive environment, coupled with
the protection of Government's commercial relationships with industry, were
this not the case, there would be a risk that:
Companies would be discouraged from dealing with the public sector, fearing
disclosure of information that may damage them commercially, or
Companies would withhold information where possible, making the choice of
the best contractor more uncertain as it would be based on limited and
censored data.
We have therefore concluded that the balance of the public interests identified
lies in favour of maintaining the exemption. This is because the overall public
interest lies in ensuring that the Home Office's ability to protect its commercial
competitiveness is not prejudiced.
I can advise you as part of the Government's transparency policy we are
obliged to publish payments in excess of f25K on the Home Office website.
Details of these can be found at:
lf you are dissatisfied with this response you may request an independent
internal review of our handling of your request by submitting a complaint
within two months to the address below, quoting reference 25274. lf you ask
for an internal review, it would be helpful if you could say why you are
dissatisfied with the response.

Information Access Team

Not that to much of this is clear however what is clear 559 people passed through Larne House in just over a year. In a country the size of Northern Ireland this is a lot of people. Bear in mind also that these are only those apprehended. Neither we nor the UKBA have any idea how many illegals including dangerous criminals are running around our country as I write!

Still think open borders are a good idea?

Monday 24 December 2012


We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our friends a very Merry Christmas. Yes it's Merry Christmas not Happy Holiday or Winterfest.

Our country is still a Christian one therefore it is important to remember that the tradition of Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ.


Even nominal Christians should be defending this tradition which is under increasing attack from militant Islam ,secularism and left wing extremist cultural Marxists dressed up as political correctness!

Never forget that attacks on Christianity from left wing extremists are also part of their war against the nation  using the Frankfurt school template of destroying the pillars of our traditional western society.

Our thoughts and best wishes go to our brave service men and women who cannot be with their families at
This makes me feel so lucky and indeed grateful that I can be with my loved ones at this time.

We must also think of the families of those who gave their lives and won't be seeing anymore Christmas celebrations. It must be particularly hard for them.


To our enemies I could wish death and pestilence as they will undoubtedly wish upon us. But of course that wouldn't be very Christian of me would it?
I just hope they get what they deserve in the incoming year and I'll remind them that we will be continuing our mission with renewed vigour in 2013!

Again our best wishes to our members, friends and supporters hope you have a happy and peaceful Christmas and a prosperous new year. God bless you all. 

Sunday 23 December 2012


Hi folks you will be glad to know that the British National Party Northern Ireland are back on blogger.
Our last blog-spot was mysteriously shut down some weeks ago.
There are undoubtedly dark forces at work. The closing of our blog spot coincided with the visit Hitlery Clinton to Belfast, to yet again poke her nose into our affairs. Did we really annoy Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness that much that they got Hitlery to tell Google to close us down? I certainly like to think so!


Message to Sinn Fein the DUP the PSNI and the British political elite and  Islam, we will continue to tell people the truth about what is happening to our country due to incompetence and downright lies. We will not be silenced and will never surrender!  

We have seen over recent weeks the, long overdue, Loyalist backlash against the ongoing erosion of our culture by Sinn Fein/IRA.

Our Regional Organiser Steven Moore sent the following to several Newspapers.

The latest attack on the Unionist/Loyalist community by Sinn Fein/IRA is yet another example of their hatred for all things British, Unionist and indeed Protestant.( though one doesn’t have to be a Protestant to be a Unionist)
Oliver McMullan MLA and his cohort Clr James McKeown are apparently offended by the Jubilee Crown at the Circular Road Roundabout  in Larne, and are pushing for its removal.
They even, in their hate filled diatribe, ludicrously asked if an "Equality Impact Assessment"
I wonder did Sinn Fein's military wing the IRA carry out such assessments before butchering innocent men, women and children during their "so called" armed struggle?
Furthermore how do Sinn Fein feel that naming a kiddie’s play park in Newry after an IRA terrorist ,who was implicated in the Kingsmill massacre of 10 innocent Protestants in 1976, is in the name of equalities? No it is a calculated attack on our community designed to terrorise and intimidate with a view to eventually eradicating us completely!
This contrived issue, along with the current Union flag debacle and the constant orchestrated violence against Orange parades, Orange Halls and Protestant churches is, make no mistake, just another attack in Sinn Fein's "Cultural Jihad" against everything British!
They are, of course, aided and abetted by the Marxist ant-British BBC through their shockingly biased reporting against Unionists.
Yet regularly they speak the language of reconciliation and what they call a “shared future“.
A good example of their duplicity is Sinn Fein's Niall O'Donnghaile.
When elected as Lord Mayor of Belfast he claimed he would be “Mayor for all the people of Belfast“.He then proceeded to demonstrate his hatred of the Unionist/Loyalist community by snubbing the Remembrance Day service at City Hall and refusing to present a Duke of Edinburgh award to a teenage girl Army Cadet!
Of course O’Donnghaile and Sinn Fein enthusiastically embrace every non indigenous culture while turning their backs on Unionism and the Unionist community.
 What is particularly nauseating to myself, and the wider Unionist/Loyalist community, is that we have arrived at this juncture due to the  weakness of Unionist politicians, (especially the DUP), in acquiescing to concession after concession to apologists for mass murder and genocide!  
I was proud to have stood shoulder to shoulder protesting with fellow Unionists, both Protestant and Catholic, in Larne on the 10th of December.
They like us are rightly outraged at what is quite clearly a war against them.
While one cannot condone violence one can understand the reasons for the latest violent reaction in some quarters, and the desperation felt in Loyalist/Unionist communities.
This latest issue is seen as yet another, in a long line of concessions, to the Sinn Fein/IRA, and a widespread realisation that our community have gained nothing from the “Peace Process”.
Republican "war aims" have always been to remove the British presence in Ireland.
We would say to them that our community is the British presence on this island and our forefathers paid for our right to be British by spilling their blood. We shall never ever be removed

The British National Party, unlike the establishment parties on mainland UK, Tories, Labour, Lib Dems, give our unconditional support to the Unionist people of Northern Ireland who are rightly appalled at these latest attacks on their British identity.
S. Moore. British National Party Northern Ireland.

I think that is clear enough don't you?