
Sunday 23 December 2012


Hi folks you will be glad to know that the British National Party Northern Ireland are back on blogger.
Our last blog-spot was mysteriously shut down some weeks ago.
There are undoubtedly dark forces at work. The closing of our blog spot coincided with the visit Hitlery Clinton to Belfast, to yet again poke her nose into our affairs. Did we really annoy Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness that much that they got Hitlery to tell Google to close us down? I certainly like to think so!


Message to Sinn Fein the DUP the PSNI and the British political elite and  Islam, we will continue to tell people the truth about what is happening to our country due to incompetence and downright lies. We will not be silenced and will never surrender!  

We have seen over recent weeks the, long overdue, Loyalist backlash against the ongoing erosion of our culture by Sinn Fein/IRA.

Our Regional Organiser Steven Moore sent the following to several Newspapers.

The latest attack on the Unionist/Loyalist community by Sinn Fein/IRA is yet another example of their hatred for all things British, Unionist and indeed Protestant.( though one doesn’t have to be a Protestant to be a Unionist)
Oliver McMullan MLA and his cohort Clr James McKeown are apparently offended by the Jubilee Crown at the Circular Road Roundabout  in Larne, and are pushing for its removal.
They even, in their hate filled diatribe, ludicrously asked if an "Equality Impact Assessment"
I wonder did Sinn Fein's military wing the IRA carry out such assessments before butchering innocent men, women and children during their "so called" armed struggle?
Furthermore how do Sinn Fein feel that naming a kiddie’s play park in Newry after an IRA terrorist ,who was implicated in the Kingsmill massacre of 10 innocent Protestants in 1976, is in the name of equalities? No it is a calculated attack on our community designed to terrorise and intimidate with a view to eventually eradicating us completely!
This contrived issue, along with the current Union flag debacle and the constant orchestrated violence against Orange parades, Orange Halls and Protestant churches is, make no mistake, just another attack in Sinn Fein's "Cultural Jihad" against everything British!
They are, of course, aided and abetted by the Marxist ant-British BBC through their shockingly biased reporting against Unionists.
Yet regularly they speak the language of reconciliation and what they call a “shared future“.
A good example of their duplicity is Sinn Fein's Niall O'Donnghaile.
When elected as Lord Mayor of Belfast he claimed he would be “Mayor for all the people of Belfast“.He then proceeded to demonstrate his hatred of the Unionist/Loyalist community by snubbing the Remembrance Day service at City Hall and refusing to present a Duke of Edinburgh award to a teenage girl Army Cadet!
Of course O’Donnghaile and Sinn Fein enthusiastically embrace every non indigenous culture while turning their backs on Unionism and the Unionist community.
 What is particularly nauseating to myself, and the wider Unionist/Loyalist community, is that we have arrived at this juncture due to the  weakness of Unionist politicians, (especially the DUP), in acquiescing to concession after concession to apologists for mass murder and genocide!  
I was proud to have stood shoulder to shoulder protesting with fellow Unionists, both Protestant and Catholic, in Larne on the 10th of December.
They like us are rightly outraged at what is quite clearly a war against them.
While one cannot condone violence one can understand the reasons for the latest violent reaction in some quarters, and the desperation felt in Loyalist/Unionist communities.
This latest issue is seen as yet another, in a long line of concessions, to the Sinn Fein/IRA, and a widespread realisation that our community have gained nothing from the “Peace Process”.
Republican "war aims" have always been to remove the British presence in Ireland.
We would say to them that our community is the British presence on this island and our forefathers paid for our right to be British by spilling their blood. We shall never ever be removed

The British National Party, unlike the establishment parties on mainland UK, Tories, Labour, Lib Dems, give our unconditional support to the Unionist people of Northern Ireland who are rightly appalled at these latest attacks on their British identity.
S. Moore. British National Party Northern Ireland.

I think that is clear enough don't you?


  1. East Antrim Volunteer23 December 2012 at 09:33

    Well said indeed.It's about time people woke up to the fact that there is a war being waged against the Unionist/Loyalist community. It is also spot on to highlight that we are in this predicament because of the betrayal of the DUP

  2. I stand with the indigenous Celtic/Anglo white inhabitants of the entire British Isles. Nationalist or Unionist makes no odds as long as we make a united front against the jew cultural marxist war against our white nations, and all white nations.
    As much as I detest the marxist gay daddy pan nationalist front, I cannot stand, with good conscious, along side jew loving israeli supporting Ulster Loyalists.
    I cannot fly a fleg with a jew star on it! I cannot attend any Remembrance Day service because Ulster Unionists should have fought With Hitler, not against him! What we done to the white Christian Germans was a BLOODY DISGRACE, a war crime of momentous proportions! I cannot attend any Orange parade because King Billy was a jew tool, and was funded, by the enemy jews who he let establish the jew bank of England.

    I cannot with clear conscious support our jew queen nor her jew grandchildren. I cannot be loyal to a British state that is ruled by jew Rothschild!

    I am right in my analysis, and I know am I right. Unless Loyalism and Unionism break clean and totally repudiate their zionist masters, I cannot, with good conscious, associate myself with those ignorant tools.

    The enemy of the British and Irish peoples are the jew globalists who are currently genociding all whites, in all white countries, with cultural marxist ideology, and mass non white immigration. The BNP knows this. If the BNP is going to organise in Ulster they must hold their hand out in friendship and unite with like minded white anti jew Irish nationalists. They must make clear to loyalists that no support for the enemy jew will be tolerated.

    We need clear leadership on this flegs issue. We need a true white Nationalist leadership which unites Protestant & Catholic Nationalism. I know that the catholic folk of Ulster are not being represented by the gay daddy SDLP & Sinn Fein marxist leadership. I know the protestant folk of Ulster are being duped by their zionist jew loving leaders.

    To stop the 3rd world invasion of Ulster, to stop the homo marxist agenda, to stop the jew debt slavery noose over our necks, to stop the illegal jew wars of conquest, to stop local and global white genocide we need white Irish/British unity, not more division. Any ideas?
