
Tuesday 9 April 2013


The death of former Prime Minister Baroness Margaret Thatcher marks the end of an era.
She was many things to many people, hated vehemently by the left and adored by patriotic Brits. She will be remembered for lots of things some good,  her tough stance on the UK’s EU rebate, some not so good, the Poll tax.
Here in Northern Ireland she has been, and still is, both reviled and revered by the Unionist community.

Reviled in that she signed the hated Anglo Irish Agreement in 1985 which gave the Republic of Ireland some say in the internal affairs of Northern  Ireland. This resulted in massive civil unrest and even the Reverend Ian Paisley, (now Lord Bannside) condemning her from the pulpit  comparing her to a latter day Jezebel!

Revered because of tough response to Marxist Republican blackmail and violence especially during the Hunger Strikes when she refused to concede to their demands.
Needless to say in a part of the UK who are fiercely proud of the British armed forces, Baroness Thatcher’s victory over the Argentinean Junta in the battle to regain the Falkland islands is still fondly remembered. 


Predictably the assorted scum of the left  celebrated this old woman’s death with an orgy of ghoulish drunken street parties in Belfast, Londonderry, Glasgow, Liverpool and London.
In Brixton the rabble, composed of UAF and SWP soap dodgers aided by ethnic invaders looted shops and attacked police!
They danced around in displays of public drunkenness singing such infantile songs as” Ding dong the wicked witch is dead” jumping on her portrait.

Imagine that BNP members indulged in a similar display of vileness at the death of a former Labour Prime Minister. What would happen to us? I imagine we would be thoroughly beaten by the Stasi, sorry police, and probably imprisoned for "Hate Crime". But there is no chance of this happening to leftist republican street thugs as the Stasi, sorry police, and the judiciary are to busy persecuting patriots and loyalists!

Anti British traitor George Galloway tweeted “Tramp the dirt down and May she burn in Hellfires” This coming from a wanker who praised Saddam Hussein’s indefatigability during a visit while our troops readied themselves to do battle in Kuwait and Iraq 



The "Guardianistas" at the BBC dutifully wheeled out the likes of Ken Livingstone and IRA chief Gerry Adams to comment on her death.

Livingstone commented “ Almost everything that’s wrong with Britain to-day is her legacy” Wrong Ken. What about your party under the Blair reptile trying to destroy the British people through mass immigration and bogus asylum and enforced multiculturalism?

 Adams commented that she supported Apartheid in South Africa, she did not. However she could see the ANC like the IRA were and still are a bunch of  Marxist terrorist thugs and objected to them.

Adams also said she supported the Khmer Rouge giving the impression that she and Pol Pot were bosom buddies. The facts were that the west supported the Khmer Rouge against their then enemy Vietnam as a political expediency. Margaret Thatcher was a well known opponent of the Communist ideology who played a major role in ending the cold war.



For all her faults, Baroness Thatcher will go down in history as one of the greatest Britons in history , up there along with Queen Boadicea, Florence Nightingale and Elizabeth the first. She will of course be remembered as a giant in the political sphere.Although we wouldn't agree with all her political views we recognise her for the true patriot she was

On the other hand Gerry Adams’ obituary should make interesting reading  “ Leader of  Sinn Fein and member of the IRA Army Council an organisation responsible for the deaths of tens of hundreds, including innocent women and children. Unrepentant Marxist supporter of left wing extremism worldwide including Muslim Jihadists who would destroy us all. Pretend Irish nationalist who would destroy his own people through mass immigration and multiculturalism.”

Let’s hope we will be reading his in the very near future. I really fancy a street party!  


  1. No matter what you think of her politics and handling of the Miners she was still a British patriot and deserves respect for that.

  2. Certainly I am old enough to have had the pleasure of watching the coffins leaving Long Kesh, Thatcher had the courage of her convictions relating to these thugs ang gangsters & for that we should be forever greatful!

  3. Well said. RIP Margaret.
