
Thursday 23 May 2013

Barbaric Islam on the streets of London

Well written by Steven Moore yesterday.

Sickening is the only way to describe to-day's horrific jihad slaughter in Woolwich. Two black
Muslim savages beheaded and hacked to death a white soldier in broad daylight in the street. Of course, as the victim was white, there was no immediate claims by the media of racism! 

This murderous attack is an attack upon our people, our culture and the UK as a Christian country. The political... elite, the controlled media and our left wing enemies are all responsible for this outrage. It was and is they who imposed enforced mass immigration and asylum upon us and waved flags for it, while viciously stifling any debate, claiming it was in the interests of "community cohesion".  Well we wonder what this poor soldier's family thinks about "community cohesion and multiculturalism" as they mourn the loss of a son, brother and perhaps husband and father?



 I hope Cameron, Clegg and the wretched Miliband can sleep in their beds tonight. They probably will, as it's not one of their loved ones lying on a mortuary slab. They have allowed a great evil to flourish in the UK through their policies of appeasement and multiculturalism. The backlash when it eventually comes, will be their fault and their's alone. For years the British National Party has been warning of the approaching apocalypse which seems set to engulf us. We are called Nazis and racists and, to use a very topical phrase, "swivel eyed loons". But as with the continuing rape jihad against white British children, which our leader Nick Griffin exposed a decade ago we have been proved right again!


Don't think we in Northern Ireland are immune. We have a burgeoning Muslim immigrant population supported by government handouts, and all our politicians keen to display their anti racist credentials to keep grants rolling in. The BNP are the party who oppose mass immigration and asylum and the eventual replacement of the indigenous population.

 Remember also that our republican enemies have close links with Muslim terrorist groups in the middle east. If you feel angry, and I do, please take action and join the BNP in N Ireland or indeed on the mainland or make a dontation on this blog, and help us fight the evil in our midst! Also pray for the family of the poor victim of today's bestial murder. Thank-you.

S Moore Regional Organiser BNP N Ireland.


  1. East Antrim Volunteer24 May 2013 at 07:26

    Words cannot begin to describe the anger I feel at this brutal slaughter.The people of Northern Ireland as Mr Moore points out are not immune to this threat of Islam. They had better fucking wake up and start to listen to the likes of the BNP and soon!

  2. Thursday night BBC 'Question Time'.

    Had a disgusted/nauseus feeling when Sinn Fein shed crocodile tears for 'Drummer' Lee Rigby.

    These are the same marxist vermin who murdered unarmed British people in their own homes in front of their children.

    The same people who have had very tight links with muslim terrorist organizations since the 1970's.

    The same people who took a leaf out of Anjem Choudrey's book and protested the homecoming parade of the Irish Regiment from Afghanistan.

    The same people who are linked arm-in-arm with their 'champagne socialist' cousins in the Labour party. (ie Labour 41 Paedophiles.... and counting. Plus Harriet Harman who is niece of Lord Longford. Remember him? The only person in UK that attempted to free Myra Hindley.)

    The same people who are headed by a person who's brother AND FATHER sexually abused male & female relatives. (You say you didn't bend over to pick up the rosary beads Gerry. But we know different) :D

    The same people encouraging foreign immigrants to Ireland, yet leaving their original vote base unemployed.

    The same people dressing themselves in Armani suits, while their west Belfast voters live on 'Job Seekers Allowance'.

    The same people who depend on 8 votes from 3 bedroomed houses, yet go out of their way to house 'Asylum-Seekers'.

    The same people who own land in the most properous parts of Ireland. (Yeah guys. We know all about it) .... yet still maintain they are ''Keeping it real''

    Give me a farking break.

    Erik Cartman

  3. I tried posting on UTV website after the usual red & republican mongs went spastic after a couple of kids allegedly through a bottle of paint at the Islamic cntr., needless to say my somewhat saner view of the "attack" wasn't published!

  4. ''Diversity'' they call it.

    English - Irish - Scottish & Welsh. There are 4 different groups and traditions we have had for centuries in the 'United Kingdom'.

    We have led the world in 'Diverstiy'
    Please explain to me how too much diverse does not then turn perverse.
    Sinn Fein are the biggest advocates of African/Asian immigration into Ireland. Yet let working class Protestant/Catholic Irish teenagers ROT on the dole for years.
    BUT they will flare up because their serial-murderer associates who aren't partitcularly 'savvy' enough to talk the usual accepted bullshit with a serious face on tv, are denied £3,000 per week 'Special Advisor' jobs.
    Which leads to the question of what the IRA/Provos ever stood for.
    The 'Old' IRA always classed itself as a socialist type of grouping.
    The Provos broke away because the IRA were not radical enough.
    Not 'Marxist' enough.
    The Provo Sinn/Fein are now a pretty strong force in Irish politics.
    They could say we want all our Irish teenagers to have jobs.
    To have money in their pockets.
    To have a nice life, instead of fermenting in the dole queue.
    But what do they choose to do?
    Let the locals stew in their usual habitats.
    Let them survive on the British handouts of £72 a week (Per over 21 or whatever)
    We'll help the Western Capitalists by opening the doors to immigrants.
    KFC - Subway - Burger King - McDonalds etc etc.
    We'll let foreign immigrants have these jobs.
    Does that sound very 'Marxist' to you? Does it even seem Pro-Irish to you?
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but does employing cheap foreign labour for MULTI NATIONAL CORPORATIONS not make you a treacherous money-grabbing bunhc of mercenaries?
    Is this what Bobby Sands died for? (I bet he's tossing in his grave)
    Sinn Fein Armani - Andytown Primark.
    Marxists? Socialists?
    And BTW. Anyone reading this does know that all IRA members are Socialists/Marxists?
    And Socialists/Marxists do not believe in God.
    Which begs the question - How can they can themselves 'Roman Catholics' if they are athiests?
    Or should that be..... UNGODLY?

    Erik Cartmann.
