
Friday 27 December 2013


Hope all our friends and comrades had a wonderful and peaceful Christmas and are continuing to do so.
Our thoughts are with those less fortunate than ourselves who are not able to stuff themselves with turkey, Christmas pudding and booze. It's a sad fact that the use of food banks in the UK has risen three fold in a year with around 400,000 people being forced to ask for hand outs this year.


Yes it is indeed incredible that a country, which still insists on lavishing more than 11 billion pounds in foreign aid on other countries, cannot provide for it's own citizens in not only food but health care,education and heating their homes!

Of course it's hard to know how many of these 400,000 are actually immigrants and asylum seekers, however many of them are our own people fell upon hard times through unemployment or losing their homes because of the greed of the banks!

Our thoughts, as always, must go to our armed forces who are overseas during this time and cannot be with their loved ones.

Whereas we don't agree with British troops being used in the Afghanistan war as it doesn't serve our interests, we do recognise their sacrifice and professionalism in carrying out their duty. The British National
Party will always back our armed forces.

Soldiers celebrating in Camp Bastion


Finally Christmas , as the name implies is a Christian festival and time of  remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ, not just about stuffing our faces!

Consequently we remember that Christians,even nominal Christians, in the UK are under attack from rabid secularism and equally rabid Islam.

Worse still in the likes of Pakistan and Syria Christians are being regularly persecuted to death with little being said about it by our putrid political class and controlled media.

Christian Persecution


So spare a thought and perhaps a prayer for them because the way things are going in the U.K. and Europe it could very well be us in the near future!

Tuesday 17 December 2013


The British National Party’s Regional Organiser for Northern Ireland, Steven Moore, recently had a rather amusing spat with, self styled Bishop, Pat Buckley in a supermarket in Larne Co Antrim.

Buckley has long been a bizarre and controversial figure having been excommunicated from the Roman Catholic church, and refusing to vacate church property, The Oratory, in Larne where he holds services for his deluded flock.

Despite his claims back in January that charges of conducting sham marriages were part of an, ( imagined), conspiracy,

Buckley has now admitted to his involvement in 14 sham marriages with the purpose of flouting immigration laws .

When Mr Moore spotted him in a local supermarket he took the opportunity to berate the  immigration criminal in public.

Mr Moore told us “ I told Buckley that he should be thoroughly ashamed of himself for his actions in facilitating the illegal entry into the UK of yet more immigrants we neither want or need. I further told him that he deserved to go prison for his criminality. “

“Buckley then rather predictably called me a racist and a bigot, standard response of the left and those who refuse to face the truth of the mass immigration disaster in the UK.

He also said I should get an IQ check. Why, for publicly exposing his criminality? I retorted that my IQ was fine, and going on what he told the court about being duped into these illegal ceremonies, possibly superior to his”!

“More bizarrely he tried to equate the present immigration and asylum crisis with Scottish migration to Ulster, oblivious to the fact that the Cruthin peoples of Ulster returned from Scotland with the plantation to what was once their lands. He also stated that he himself was an immigrant from Co Offlay!

I told him to grow up as he knew perfectly well that I was referring  the current waves of mass immigration emanating from eastern Europe and the third world! “

Most bizarre of all Buckley continued his diatribe by saying that once upon a time monkeys came down from the trees to evolve into man , but people with Mr Moore’s views had not yet descended from the trees! 

Buckley was then asked by Mr Moore if he subscribed to Darwinism, and as this seemed to be the case how could he call himself a Christian!

Mr Moore said “ I left him by saying that he was the one that had broken the law and was up in court  and that I would accept no criticism from a criminal like him! “   

Buckley offers marriage services to the divorced as well as blessing gay unions.Of course it is rumoured that he charges a princely sum for these services.
 He is also well known for conducting Gypsy weddings which attract hoards of travellers to the town resulting quite often in some terribly anti-social behaviour. It has to be said that some of these Gypsy brides don’t look a day over fourteen

On 10 October 1999 he publicly confirmed his homosexuality, and takes a liberal stance on both moral issues and theology. In his autobiography, Buckley stated that he believes it may be possible for the Devil himself to be redeemed. He has also claimed that over 40% of Catholic clergy are gay and has encouraged them to come out.

Buckley is actively involved in the gay and lesbian community in both Ireland and Britain His ministry involves giving same-sex blessings as well as holding spiritual seminars for LGB communities.

Buckley entered into a civil partnership with his Filipino boyfriend Eduardo Yango on 2 March 2010.


So this is the type of deviant criminal who presumes to lecture the British National Party on immigrants and immigration.

Furthermore he believes he is above the law of the land and is somehow immune from any criticism!

Unfortunately as he is playing the “poor health” card it looks like he will escape jail this time.

 But fear not the British National Party will be watching his activities very closely from now on!

Thursday 5 December 2013


The revelations from the Smithwick enquiry that Irish Garda, (police), officers colluded in the murders of two senior RUC,( Royal Ulster Constabulary),in 1989 will come as no surprise to the Unionist/Loyalist community in Northern Ireland.

"Chief Superintendent Harry Breen and Superintendent Bob Buchanan, the highest-ranking RUC officers to be killed during 30 years of The Troubles, were shot dead in an ambush in March 1989 in south Armagh.The attack happened as they crossed the border into Northern Ireland after a meeting in Dundalk Garda station.In the report of his Dublin-based eight-year enquiry released on Tuesday evening, Judge Peter Smithwick said he was “satisfied there was collusion in the murders.”
Predictably leader of the Marxist Sinn Fein/IRA, Gerry Adams has tried to pour cold water on the findings of Judge Smithwick by unbelievably trying to sanitise the IRA and the Irish Police's role in this by suggesting that the two victims had effectively committed suicide because of their "laisser faire" attitude to their own security!


Using his rationale those who were killed on Bloody Sunday basically killed themselves because of their cavalier attitude to warnings from the police and army to stay off the streets. They ignored warnings and attacked security forces with bricks and stones while allowing themselves to be used as a smokescreen for IRA gunmen who were firing at the army! I would have said it was certainly a "laisser faire" attitude to security attacking paratroopers who are already under fire from terrorists!

 This is typical of a wretched left wing extremist who continually howls for public enquiries into "alleged" security force collusion with loyalists and the equally mythical "shoot to kill policy" Adams, who covered up his brother Laim's paedophile rape of his own daughter for years, and the equally vile Martin McGuinness do not however wish to have any enquiries into their activities in the murderous IRA such as the Claudy bomb atrocity in 1972 or the disappeared corpses of those their bunch of thugs tortured and murdered.
 Unfortunately they are being aided and abetted in this by the British government to protect to "so called " peace process at any cost!

However the Smithwick enquiry, although it's as hard to believe the Irish police force had a policy of collusion with the IRA as it is to believe the RUC and British army had one with loyalist groups,  raises yet again the question of high level Irish state collusion with republicans.

Irish cabinet minister and future Prime Minister Charles Haughey and fellow cabinet minister Neil Blaney were accused of and brought to court for their involvement in a plot to arm the newly formed PIRA  in 1970. Also involved in the plot were Irish Army officer Captain James Kelly (what about this for collusion Gerry?) and Flemish Nazi Albert Luykx, (and the left call us Nazis!).


They plotted with the IRA to buy and import weapons, using Irish government money, to be used to kill British citizens and soldiers in Northern Ireland.
It could be said that senior members of the Irish government helped found  the Provisional IRA which inflicted decades of barbarity on the UK!

The government of the Irish Republic under Jack Lynch, who was well aware of Haughey's activities, also plotted to send troops into Northern Ireland to back the IRA. Luckily for them this plan never came to pass!

Unionists in Northern Ireland have always been acutely aware of this dagger poised to stab us in the back from across our border, certainly more so than people in the rest of the UK or elsewhere.
However we are also acutely aware that not all citizens of the Irish Republic wish us harm, indeed the majority are happy to live and let live. Both countries depend economically on a happy co-existence.

We believe that the Irish government not only needs to apologise to and compensate the families of the two policemen but also to the people of N Ireland for their role in helping create the Provos.


Furthermore they need to examine their past actions against British citizens in Northern Ireland and indeed against their own citizens who enlisted in the British forces during WW2
as demonstrated by DeValera's infamous Starvation Order.