
Tuesday 17 December 2013


The British National Party’s Regional Organiser for Northern Ireland, Steven Moore, recently had a rather amusing spat with, self styled Bishop, Pat Buckley in a supermarket in Larne Co Antrim.

Buckley has long been a bizarre and controversial figure having been excommunicated from the Roman Catholic church, and refusing to vacate church property, The Oratory, in Larne where he holds services for his deluded flock.

Despite his claims back in January that charges of conducting sham marriages were part of an, ( imagined), conspiracy,

Buckley has now admitted to his involvement in 14 sham marriages with the purpose of flouting immigration laws .

When Mr Moore spotted him in a local supermarket he took the opportunity to berate the  immigration criminal in public.

Mr Moore told us “ I told Buckley that he should be thoroughly ashamed of himself for his actions in facilitating the illegal entry into the UK of yet more immigrants we neither want or need. I further told him that he deserved to go prison for his criminality. “

“Buckley then rather predictably called me a racist and a bigot, standard response of the left and those who refuse to face the truth of the mass immigration disaster in the UK.

He also said I should get an IQ check. Why, for publicly exposing his criminality? I retorted that my IQ was fine, and going on what he told the court about being duped into these illegal ceremonies, possibly superior to his”!

“More bizarrely he tried to equate the present immigration and asylum crisis with Scottish migration to Ulster, oblivious to the fact that the Cruthin peoples of Ulster returned from Scotland with the plantation to what was once their lands. He also stated that he himself was an immigrant from Co Offlay!

I told him to grow up as he knew perfectly well that I was referring  the current waves of mass immigration emanating from eastern Europe and the third world! “

Most bizarre of all Buckley continued his diatribe by saying that once upon a time monkeys came down from the trees to evolve into man , but people with Mr Moore’s views had not yet descended from the trees! 

Buckley was then asked by Mr Moore if he subscribed to Darwinism, and as this seemed to be the case how could he call himself a Christian!

Mr Moore said “ I left him by saying that he was the one that had broken the law and was up in court  and that I would accept no criticism from a criminal like him! “   

Buckley offers marriage services to the divorced as well as blessing gay unions.Of course it is rumoured that he charges a princely sum for these services.
 He is also well known for conducting Gypsy weddings which attract hoards of travellers to the town resulting quite often in some terribly anti-social behaviour. It has to be said that some of these Gypsy brides don’t look a day over fourteen

On 10 October 1999 he publicly confirmed his homosexuality, and takes a liberal stance on both moral issues and theology. In his autobiography, Buckley stated that he believes it may be possible for the Devil himself to be redeemed. He has also claimed that over 40% of Catholic clergy are gay and has encouraged them to come out.

Buckley is actively involved in the gay and lesbian community in both Ireland and Britain His ministry involves giving same-sex blessings as well as holding spiritual seminars for LGB communities.

Buckley entered into a civil partnership with his Filipino boyfriend Eduardo Yango on 2 March 2010.


So this is the type of deviant criminal who presumes to lecture the British National Party on immigrants and immigration.

Furthermore he believes he is above the law of the land and is somehow immune from any criticism!

Unfortunately as he is playing the “poor health” card it looks like he will escape jail this time.

 But fear not the British National Party will be watching his activities very closely from now on!

1 comment:

  1. Always knew this deviant freak was at his work with sham marriages. Probably marrying underage Gypsy girls to their cousins ffs!
