
Thursday 29 May 2014


So Alliance Party MLA (Member of The Legislative Assembly) and perpetual victim Anna Lo is quitting politics and perhaps even Northern Ireland !

The best news we've heard since Marxist terrorist Nelson Mandela "popped his clogs" to join Beelzebub's bonfire !

Having failed to get elected in the recent European elections, (despite shamelessly courting the immigrant vote),  Lo of course yet again played the much used race card.


She blamed her demise on "ongoing racist abuse from loyalists". She went further by saying she was considering leaving Northern Ireland following comments  made by First Minister Peter Robinson in support of Pastor James McConnell who denounced Islam.

Lo said she was "angry at the backing given to the Pastor" We weren't aware that Lo is a Muslim. If she is not why would she be angry at a Christian preacher denouncing what he sees as a Satanic doctrine from his pulpit? If only other "so called" Christian church leaders had his courage and vision.

 She is of course cynically joining in the demonisation bandwagon of a true Christian who holds dear the values and traditions the liberal left and Marxist BBC despise !

She further continued her pathetic diatribe by saying she would consider leaving the country " because of what might happen after what he said".

"I do not feel safe here and I know many people who feel the same. I'm just appalled that our political leaders are coming out making such comments".

Appalled that we are allowed to preach the gospel and condemn anti Christian cults from the pulpit?


Message to you and your fellow multiculturalist brain washers we would not feel safe if Islam is allowed to gain a foothold in our country and in our communities. We only have to look across the water to England to see what a disaster that has been. We don't want our streets controlled by "Sharia police" as is the case in some parts. Nor do we want to see or daughters and granddaughters raped and enslaved by gangs of racist Islamic paedophiles as is happening in many towns and cities across England and probably Scotland and Wales !

Hostility towards Lo from Unionist/loyalist circles is hardly surprising. This is the woman who stated that Orange culture, which has been around for centuries, was offensive to the Chinese community !

There has been a well established Chinese community in our country for many decades. There has never been any animosity towards them even during the darkest days of the troubles.
Never once have we heard Chinese people, except her, expressing any kind of hostility towards our culture.


Lo and her party have been conspicuous by their silence that nine out of ten cannabis farms uncovered in Northern Ireland are ran by Chinese gangsters

Lo also recently said that we would be better off as a united Ireland ! Small wonder that her election posters were ripped down or defaced "en mass" in loyalist areas.

She also described locals in the village area of south Belfast, who kicked back at anti social Roma Gypsies who had been dumped on them several years back, as racists who were not wanted there, (in their own area) !

 We would say "bon voyage" but we don't even wish her a good journey. No we say good riddance to bad rubbish. 
Might we further suggest that she embarks upon her journey in a traditional Chinese junk.

 A better chance it may sink in shark infested waters !

Tuesday 13 May 2014


Those of us who are familiar with the cultural Marxist conspiracy to destroy western civilisation and values were not at all surprised with the result of last Saturday's Eurovision song contest.

Cultural Marxism is to-day more commonly known as political correctness. Here briefly is what it's evil satanic goals are :

"Basically, the Frankfurt School believed that as long as an individual had the belief - or even the hope of belief - that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judaeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the ‘oppressive’ order. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus—‘continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means’ as one of their members noted.

To further the advance of their ‘quiet’ cultural revolution - but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future - the School recommended (among other things):

1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pansexualism’ - the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:

• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
• abolish all forms of male dominance - hence the presence of women in the armed forces
• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors’
Munzenberg summed up the Frankfurt School’s long-term operation thus: ‘We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.'

The School believed there were two types of revolution: (a) political and (b) cultural. Cultural revolution demolishes from within. ‘Modern forms of subjection are marked by mildness’. They saw it as a long-term project and kept their sights clearly focused on the family, education, media, sex and popular culture."

Sounds all to familiar doesn't it ?


The Eurovision song contest has ,lets face it, always been a bit of a joke.
But after Saturday it is now quite clear what it has become. The winner was a bearded freak "lady boy" from Austria going under the title Conchita Wurst.(Wurst means sausage in German!)

It is now being used as a platform to promote homosexuality and other bizarre deviance's.
Going by the shameful  hostility towards the two young girls who represented Russia, it is also being used as a political stick by the evil empire of the European Union intent on pushing their putrid influence into what is effectively Russian lands.
One has to wonder if these girls were black or Asian would the audience have booed at them ?

You only had to look at the morons in the audience waving rainbow flags to understand how well cultural Marxists have perverted western society.

The bizarre thing is that the vast majority of homosexuals and their cheerleaders are oblivious to the fact that their promotion is part of the Frankfurt School of Marxist thinking strategy to destroy our society, national identity and ultimately Christianity !


But we know exactly what cultural Marxism and political correctness means and the damage it has caused to our nation. Be in no doubt we shall continue the fight against this evil, until death if needs be !

In any case the winning song was s**t !


Talking of freaks here's a real bunch of freaks. Hope not hate and their comrades in the paradoxically named Unite Against Fascism are left wing extremist agitators fronted by senior members of the Labour Party and funded by public money and trade unions, to quote Nigel Farage of UKIP!

Hot not Hate's and Searchlight's mouthpiece on Northern Ireland Matthew Collins is obviously upset with the democratic process in that the British National Party are standing two candidates in the local elections next week.


He put crayon to paper and in his usual infantile style of writing called one of the candidates Steven Moore, the party's Regional Organiser silly names.Collins and his gang are also well known for hacking Face book and Twitter. His shite is regularly reproduced "verbatim" in the republican gutter rag The Sunday World.
Moore is well known to us. He's like the 'Comical Ali' of both the BNP and stupidity in general. He's been keeping a low profile since his leader Nick Griffin ran into trouble over the non-payment of bills in Belfast and was even "put out" by representatives of the Progressive Unionist Party on one visit.
But, having not been blessed with many brain cells, Moore is back trying once more to convince the people of Northern Ireland that the BNP is not toxic and stupid."

Of course he has never met Mr Moore and the claim that Nick Griffin was put out of Northern Ireland is complete fantasy as are most of Collins' pathetic scribblings !

We asked Mr Moore to comment.

"While I have never claimed to be a genius I do have a third level education. I also served an apprenticeship to become a skilled tradesman and then served in the armed forces as a communications specialist. Incidentally my fellow candidate Robert Bell was also a radio officer in the Merchant Navy, it would seem he is not short grey matter either !
I am sure that I possess as many, if not a lot more, brain cells as Matthew Collins.

Perhaps Mr Collins is a graduate of Cambridge like Nick Griffin, I don't know.

However I do know he his thug who as a member of the National Front was involved in violent confrontation. He was arrested and  then grassed his mates up before fleeing to Australia.
He them mysteriously returned to the UK as a changed man and anti Fascist.
It's widely believed that he is being handled by the security services and Special Branch!

Click on this link to see how truly unpleasant vile this creature is !

Mr Moore continued "If Collins wishes to confront myself and the British National Party and tell us how toxic we are he is welcome to come to Larne between now and the elections on the 22nd May. We will be out on the streets canvassing and leafleting. He can even drop me a line at and we can meet him off the boat! "

Quite, I'm sure he would get a warm loyalist welcome in Northern Ireland !

Over to you fat boy , but be careful Larne harbour is very deep and it would break our hearts if anything befell you coming down the gangplank!

Wednesday 30 April 2014


Hi folks. Haven't had the chance to do much blogging this year due to other commitments.We hope to be a bit more active on this blog in the coming months. We are also in the middle of preparations for local Council elections in Northern Ireland where we are running two candidates in the Larne area.
Here's May's edition of our popular newsletter enjoy and share!




Compo cheque on the way!

We know how much the authorities bend over backwards to accommodate immigrants and Islam but this story is completely and utterly bizarre.

Khosro Qanbarian Alavijeh, an Iranian man living in Northern Ireland, has said that the local social services have taken away his baby daughter as part of a scheme called 'Social, Psychological and Dietetics, Cultural, Religious and Sexual Programming of a Baby'.Calling the authorities 'kidnappers', Alavijeh said they had 'abducted' his daughter a year ago when she was just 4.5 months old after singling his family out just because they are Muslim and his wife, who is a convert to Islam, wears a headscarf.“Our daughter Hannah Rosemary Fatimah Alavijeh has been kidnapped and is held as a hostage on grounds of her mother wearing a headscarf and accepting Islam as her religion as well as myself being an Iranian Muslim,” Alavijeh told Iranian Press TV.Alavijeh, who said he changed his name to Ricardo to escape discrimination because of his name, said that the authorities had accused his wife to working to spread Islam and were using that as a grounds to take away their baby.” Yes just shout racism and Islamaphobia and no doubt a big cheque of taxpayer’s money will be yours!

The perversion of the institution of marriage!

Yet another attempt by Sinn Fein/IRA and their liberal left bedfellows to force through the ludicrous notion of homosexual marriage in the Assembly has failed. Unfortunately it’s only a matter of time before it is forced upon our society no matter if we disagree with it. The term marriage means, and always has meant, a union between one man and one woman,  if you believe in the Bible, as ordained by God. We are now going to change the English language to suit the militant “Gay rights” lobby led by the likes of the vile and renowned cultural Marxist Peter Tatchell. What people do in the privacy of their beds is their concern. However the vast majority of homosexuals do not even realise how they are being used in a cultural Marxist war against the pillars of traditional western society and the attempt to destroy the Christian church! Mark my words, despite assurances that churches will not be forced to perform deviant marriages, the next move will be to force them via legal action to marry couples of the same sex. Just watch ,and weep!


Ballot box is the best way to roast Alliance!

Those who attacked the Alliance office on the Upper N/Ards Road with Molotov cocktails on the 29th April must have money to burn considering the price of petrol! We say the best way to give Alliance the message that they are not welcome in loyalist/unionist areas is at election time through the ballot box. Alliance may want to think of relocating to Ballymurphy or Andersonstown to be with their republican friends. I suspect they would get an even warmer reception there!

Immigrant lunatics on our roads!

A drink driver who had two young children in his car in the early hours of the morning and fought with police who arrested him was jailed for a total of four months last Wednesday at Craigavon Magistrates Court.Thirty two year old Tomas Mejeris, Armagh Road, Portadown, was given the four month term for assaulting a police officer.The court heard that on February 1 this year at 1.45am police saw a vehicle being driven erratically on the Garvaghy Road in Portadown.It stopped and police saw that there was a female passenger in the front and two small children in the rear seat.There was a smell of alcohol on the defendant’s breath and he failed a preliminary test.Mejeris initially refused to get out of his vehicle and when he eventually did get out he struggled with three officers and had to be handcuffed.He swore at police and head-butted an officer leaving him with a bump above his eye. A breath test gave a reading of 95. District Judge, Mr Mervyn Bates, said the aggravating factors were a previous drink driving offence, the nature of the assault on police and the fact there were two children in the car. He added that the case clearly passed the custody threshold. Later in the court the defendant’s solicitor applied for bail for him to appeal against the sentences. Mejeris was released on his own bail of £400 pending appeal.”And this is the enrichment that immigration brings us. I’m well aware that we have enough N.I. born lunatics, but do you think they would have been given bail considering previous drink driving offenses and a vicious assault on a police officer not to mention putting the children’s lives in danger?

ELECTIONS.Remember if you live in the Coast Road DEA of Larne you can vote BNP in the local elections on the 22nd of May. Make sure you use your vote to cause an upset and get people onto Larne council, and therefore onto the new super council into which it will be absorbed, who will put local people first!

Angry like us? If you have any info on the damage being inflicted on our country by enforced multiculturalism, mass immigration and republicanism in your area let us know.

E-mail      Tel: 07808345284.

Find us on Face book: BritishNationalPartyNorthernIreland or Twitter: BNP.N.IRELAND