
Wednesday 30 April 2014


Hi folks. Haven't had the chance to do much blogging this year due to other commitments.We hope to be a bit more active on this blog in the coming months. We are also in the middle of preparations for local Council elections in Northern Ireland where we are running two candidates in the Larne area.
Here's May's edition of our popular newsletter enjoy and share!




Compo cheque on the way!

We know how much the authorities bend over backwards to accommodate immigrants and Islam but this story is completely and utterly bizarre.

Khosro Qanbarian Alavijeh, an Iranian man living in Northern Ireland, has said that the local social services have taken away his baby daughter as part of a scheme called 'Social, Psychological and Dietetics, Cultural, Religious and Sexual Programming of a Baby'.Calling the authorities 'kidnappers', Alavijeh said they had 'abducted' his daughter a year ago when she was just 4.5 months old after singling his family out just because they are Muslim and his wife, who is a convert to Islam, wears a headscarf.“Our daughter Hannah Rosemary Fatimah Alavijeh has been kidnapped and is held as a hostage on grounds of her mother wearing a headscarf and accepting Islam as her religion as well as myself being an Iranian Muslim,” Alavijeh told Iranian Press TV.Alavijeh, who said he changed his name to Ricardo to escape discrimination because of his name, said that the authorities had accused his wife to working to spread Islam and were using that as a grounds to take away their baby.” Yes just shout racism and Islamaphobia and no doubt a big cheque of taxpayer’s money will be yours!

The perversion of the institution of marriage!

Yet another attempt by Sinn Fein/IRA and their liberal left bedfellows to force through the ludicrous notion of homosexual marriage in the Assembly has failed. Unfortunately it’s only a matter of time before it is forced upon our society no matter if we disagree with it. The term marriage means, and always has meant, a union between one man and one woman,  if you believe in the Bible, as ordained by God. We are now going to change the English language to suit the militant “Gay rights” lobby led by the likes of the vile and renowned cultural Marxist Peter Tatchell. What people do in the privacy of their beds is their concern. However the vast majority of homosexuals do not even realise how they are being used in a cultural Marxist war against the pillars of traditional western society and the attempt to destroy the Christian church! Mark my words, despite assurances that churches will not be forced to perform deviant marriages, the next move will be to force them via legal action to marry couples of the same sex. Just watch ,and weep!


Ballot box is the best way to roast Alliance!

Those who attacked the Alliance office on the Upper N/Ards Road with Molotov cocktails on the 29th April must have money to burn considering the price of petrol! We say the best way to give Alliance the message that they are not welcome in loyalist/unionist areas is at election time through the ballot box. Alliance may want to think of relocating to Ballymurphy or Andersonstown to be with their republican friends. I suspect they would get an even warmer reception there!

Immigrant lunatics on our roads!

A drink driver who had two young children in his car in the early hours of the morning and fought with police who arrested him was jailed for a total of four months last Wednesday at Craigavon Magistrates Court.Thirty two year old Tomas Mejeris, Armagh Road, Portadown, was given the four month term for assaulting a police officer.The court heard that on February 1 this year at 1.45am police saw a vehicle being driven erratically on the Garvaghy Road in Portadown.It stopped and police saw that there was a female passenger in the front and two small children in the rear seat.There was a smell of alcohol on the defendant’s breath and he failed a preliminary test.Mejeris initially refused to get out of his vehicle and when he eventually did get out he struggled with three officers and had to be handcuffed.He swore at police and head-butted an officer leaving him with a bump above his eye. A breath test gave a reading of 95. District Judge, Mr Mervyn Bates, said the aggravating factors were a previous drink driving offence, the nature of the assault on police and the fact there were two children in the car. He added that the case clearly passed the custody threshold. Later in the court the defendant’s solicitor applied for bail for him to appeal against the sentences. Mejeris was released on his own bail of £400 pending appeal.”And this is the enrichment that immigration brings us. I’m well aware that we have enough N.I. born lunatics, but do you think they would have been given bail considering previous drink driving offenses and a vicious assault on a police officer not to mention putting the children’s lives in danger?

ELECTIONS.Remember if you live in the Coast Road DEA of Larne you can vote BNP in the local elections on the 22nd of May. Make sure you use your vote to cause an upset and get people onto Larne council, and therefore onto the new super council into which it will be absorbed, who will put local people first!

Angry like us? If you have any info on the damage being inflicted on our country by enforced multiculturalism, mass immigration and republicanism in your area let us know.

E-mail      Tel: 07808345284.

Find us on Face book: BritishNationalPartyNorthernIreland or Twitter: BNP.N.IRELAND

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