
Thursday 21 February 2013


David Cameron humiliates himself and the nation yet again. This time by prostrating himself barefoot in the Sikh Golden Temple at Amristar in India.He does not of course extend the same respect to Christians in his own country. He is allowing them to be persecuted and deprived of their livelihoods for their beliefs especially on Homosexuality and homosexual marriage which has been his pet subject of late! He is presiding over the attempted murder of Christianity by Cultural Marxism, (Political Correctness), while calling himself a Conservative!

Of course opportunist "call me Dave " will bow down to any craven image, be it Sikh, Hindu or Muslim, ( In fairness Sikhs and Hindus being by far the lesser of three evils we face in the UK) , to ingratiate himself with the third world immigrant population who are rapidly replacing the indigenous people of these islands and to try and make big business and banks even richer! He also has a cunning plan for filling our University places with rich Indians, by fast tracking their Visa applications, while our own working class kids are being excluded through extortionate tuition fees!

David Cameron visits the Golden Temple along with Chief Minister of Punjab state Parkash Singh Badal in Amritsar. (AP)


During his Indian visit he of course commenced his now familiar apologetic tone about events in the history of the British Empire. One of his predecessors, the vile Hell bound warmonger Tony Blair, actually apologised for the Irish potato famine and for Slavery! Yes you heard right it's unbelievable! Why didn't he go the whole hog and self flagellate in front of the Palace of Westminster while letting Gerry Adams stick blighted spuds up his arse!

On this occasion “David Cameron today expressed remorse for the 1919 Amritsar massacre, denouncing the killing as 'deeply shameful' as he visited the scene of the worst single atrocity of the British Empire.
Writing in a memorial book for the victims of the massacre, he said: 'We must never forget what happened here.Mr Cameron, the first sitting Prime Minister ever to visit Amritsar, went far further than the Queen, who visited in 1997, in voicing regret for the slaughter in which 379 people were officially said to have died but which Indians believe claimed 1,000 lives."
A tragic event undoubtedly, however it seems the British are nowadays expected to apologise to the world for being the biggest and most successful empire in history!

Camoron further stated " We must ensure that the United Kingdom stands up for the right to peaceful protest around the world"
Except in the UK it would seem. Just ask peaceful Loyalist flag protesters being attacked by Fascist PSNI Stormtroopers!

We certainly remember "Camoron" apologising to the families of Bloody Sunday casualties. This after the taxpayer footing the bill for the £200 million plus inquiry. These costs are set to rise as compensation is paid out.
We are in no doubt that the IRA were on the streets of Londonderry that day in 1972 firing at the police and army. They certainly should bear the brunt of the blame, but of course they won't and will not be pressed to do so.
The IRA and their cheerleaders have never shown any real remorse for the heinous slaughter they inflicted on the police, army and civilian population in Northern Ireland and mainland UK.Be in no doubt that they do not regret a single action in their barbaric "so called" armed struggle, a campaign that is still carried on to-day by their fellow republican terrorists.

How about Camoron puts pressure on Japan to apologise to and compensate British POWs or their families for the horrific suffering they had to endure at the hands of the Empire of the Rising Sun during WW2?
My Great Uncle was one of them and could barely talk about his experiences for the rest of his life.
Furthermore will he demand the the Indian National Congress apologise for siding against us with the Japanese imperialists?

It's not going to happen because to people like Cameron money and votes mean more than national honour and pride and looking after your own.


One of our people from Belfast has contacted me about an incident on Monday night Tuesday morning on the Loyalist Shore Road North Belfast.

A crowd of young Slovak immigrants living locally it seems were engaged in anti social behaviour ie late night partying and annoying and intimidating pensioners living beside them and near by. The PSNI won't intervene because they are handcuffed to political correctness!

Despite being warned that it wasn't acceptable they (the Slovaks) continued.
Well the inevitable happened and some of the local young men took the law into their own hands. The house was attacked and the Slovaks forced to flee, and their car was burned out.
Firefighters put out a car fire in St. John's Friday.


We of course do not condone any violence. However the message is if the Government think they can force immigration onto our communities and these immigrant guests think they can arrogantly do as they like they are very much mistaken.

Our communities have been under siege and attack for decades from violent republicans. One thing is for sure our people will continue to defend their own!

This does not fit in with the liberal left assertion that immigration is wholly good and essential for our survival as being printed in Belfast City Council's magazine as reported in our last blog article, "No cause for celebration." does it?



  1. None of the local newspapers dare print anything that goes against the marxist/republican agenda.
    That's why their circulation is going down the pan.
    I met a friend the other day who I know used to buy at least 3 different sunday papers every week.
    Being curious, I asked was he still reading the same old stuff.
    His answer -
    Sunday World? You can shove it up your Jim McDowell!!!!!!
    Says it all really. :D

    Red Squirrel

  2. dowsons lifted lol. very pleased to hear it but we must distance ourselves from him. A note to the press... Hes an EX bnp fundraiser, notable word there is EX we dont have anything to do with him nowadays.
