
Saturday 9 February 2013


I was leafing through the latest edition of Belfast City Council's,( rate payer funded), magazine "City Matters" when I noticed an article entitled "Celebrating the contribution of migrants". I'm sure the people of Belfast will be delighted that their rates are being well spent promoting their own ethnic cleansing!

Apparently December the 18th was International Migrants day and to celebrate this wonderful occasion Belfast Migrant forum,(BMF) using public money of course, held an event to "recognise the positive and vital contribution of migrants to the economic, social and cultural life of our city".
You can see the extent of the support offered  at your expense at
and also

This statement gives the impression ,(intentionally), that not only is immigration and asylum wholly positive, but that it is vital for our survival!
There is no mention, of course, of the negative aspects of mass , uncontrolled immigration and asylum, foreign national rapists and murderers, people traffickers and Chinese cannabis farms.
Even a cursory glance at court listings all over Northern Ireland reveals hundreds of foreign names destroying the establishment lie that immigration and asylum has no real effect on crime figures.


Perhaps the Belfast Migrant Forum believes thousands of Roma Gypsies begging on our streets and selling the Big Issue is positive and vital to the economic, social and cultural life of not just Belfast but the entire country!

News for them, the majority of people, not just us in the British National Party, do not believe it for one minute.
The article goes on to state that poverty amongst migrants is one of the main issues.But fear not the BMF is at hand to support migrant communities. This support , paid for by you through tax and money given by us to the EU , includes the inevitable initiatives to tackle racism giving migrants automatic victim status!  

If poverty is one of the main issues amongst migrants it suggests the majority of them are unemployed.
So just what are these people's positive and vital contribution to our society?
We live in a country which is essentially bankrupt, both financially and morally. We cannot look after our own pensioners, thousands freeze to death every winter, our health service and education system are close to collapse and we cannot even equipe our armed forces properly.
Yet there is still public money to throw at migrant freeloaders!

Of course it's true that there are many foreign nationals in, (British) , jobs paying tax and national insurance.

But hey so am I and I don't recall any special events to mark my contribution to the economy!


  1. I have a Freedom of Information Request from the PSNI, it gives information on crimes committed by foreign nationals in NI between May 2011-May 2012, here is just some of the information contained in it about sexual offences.
    Number of persons charged/reported with sexual offences by nationality
    Algeria 4
    Angola 3
    China 6
    Czech Republic 8
    East Timor 12
    Lithuania 11
    Nigeria 3
    Poland 18
    Portugal 11
    Romania 8
    Somalia 2
    Hundreds of other crimes are listed in this document, they include violence against the person,robbery, burglary, theft and handling, fraud or forgery, criminal damage and drugs.

  2. East Antrim Volunteer10 February 2013 at 11:39

    How is it that no political party except the BNP have the balls to highlight this issue?
    What the f**k is wrong with the PUP who claim to represent the interests of the loyalist working classes?
