
Thursday 25 July 2013


Prime Minister David Cameron continued on his quest to destroy our nation and make his dream of some kind of “Homosexual Utopia” through “Gay Marriage” a reality.

The “Gay Marriage” bill, for which he had no mandate, was passed in Parliament despite fierce opposition from members of his own Conservative party . Worse still a large proportion of the British people were against this Cultural Marxist attack on our society on the grounds that Marriage is a union between a man and a woman as ordained by God almighty. Their concerns were duly ignored.

Of course when has listening to public opinion ever bothered Cameron?
He gloated at his achievement in perverting the nation’s morals by hosting a reception for an audience of  homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people in Downing Street.
Downing Street is supposed to be the residence of the Prime Minister and where the Cabinet meets, the very hub of government! We shudder to think what freaks Cameron is allowing through the doors of this building ! It is rumoured that the Prime Minister addressed the audience in drag in order to make them feel at home and to demonstrate his sycophantic dedication to the cause of gay rights !

He told the assembled crowd, which included BBC celebrity Clare Balding, who is put in the limelight at every opportunity like some kind of gay dressage horse, of his pride in legislating for gay marriage. Chillingly Cameron also talked of young children in school being taught that gay marriage is right and normal. It doesn’t matter to him what children are taught to believe by their parents or the Bible they must conform to the new order !


Pride Mr Cameron? For perverting the institution marriage and changing the very definition of the term ? Pride at fixating on this subject to the detriment of everything else?

We hope you are proud that our young soldiers are still spilling their guts in Afghanistan in a futile war which was never our concern to begin with ! ( I should have thought ending our involvement there would be more of a priority than homosexual marriage).

We hope you are proud that thousands of British pensioners die every  winter of cold and hunger because you insist in sending billions of pounds over seas !

We hope you are proud that while claiming to be tough on immigration and asylum you still have not taken decisive action to reverse the damage that has been caused to our nation !

We hope you are proud that Mosques and militant Islam continue to spread like a cancer across the UK ethnically cleansing the indigenous population before it !

We hope you are proud that we now live in a Fascist state were free speech for white British nationalists is ruthlessly suppressed and expressing Christian beliefs against  homosexuality is a hate crime !

This list of shame could go on indefinitely.

No this will be remembered as a day of infamy when cultural Marxism rejoiced at a “so called” conservative putting the knife into the Christian heart of this country !

Cameron then went on to say he wanted to export homosexual marriage around the world, and even send Ministers around the globe to spread the filth around. No doubt money will be found to do this.
We can’t wait to see how this is going to work in Muslim countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh !


Better still I wonder if Cameron on his next visit to Saudi Arabia will wear a “Gay Pride” tee-shirt and demand that they introduce homosexual unions !
It would be marvellous seeing his severed head on a stick on the palace walls !

That’s it Dave prioritise, don’t worry about getting us work and orders for our goods, making sure homosexuals can celebrate their nuptials is much more important !

Cameron said recently that countries who persecute homosexuals and are in receipt of British foreign aid, ( not that we should be giving out money in any-case), could have this aid withdrawn.

He did not, however, threaten any country who persecuted Christians with any punitive sanction.
Why is this ? 
Not that we in anyway endorse the persecution of homosexuals, but does he consider that gay rights are worth more that Christian rights?

Perhaps churches, who unfairly criticise the British National Party at the behest of their political masters, might like to take this on board !

1 comment:

  1. A lot of people are sick of this foul move by the Conservatives 9and Lib Dens and Labour)towards same sex marriage.
    Jesus may well be coming soon - he said when he does life on earth will be like the days of sodem and gomorrah.
    This spirit of disobedience will result in many being judged and going to hell.
    For those who have an ear - get saved - Jesus will rescue all those who seek his name earnestly.
