
Sunday 1 September 2013


The September edition of the British National Party Northern Ireland's popular newsletter exposing the damage that enforced multiculturalism and republican aggression is doing to our part of the UK.
Feel free to print this and share it with your friends.



Republican “jihad” against Protestant loyalist communities continues!
The latest attack, Sunday 18th August, on another Protestant home in the Suffolk estate demonstrates that republican scum is intent on cleansing this community from West Belfast. The house in which two young children were present has been previously attacked with petrol bombs. The PSNI response? To send neighbourhood officers to discuss to attacks with the tenant! Imagine the rocks and petrol bombs had came from the loyalist side onto Catholic homes. No doubt the PSNI would don riot gear and send in dozens of land-rovers to bully loyalist residents. It's also strange that they have not described these attacks as “hate crime”. The BBC ignored this attack but instead focused on a paint attack on a Nigerian’s house in East Belfast! 
There's little point in the DUP condemning this latest outrage as they are in coalition with the perpetrators Sinn Fein /IRA!

Are we nuts?
A Sudanese woman has won a legal challenge, funded by you, to being removed from N.Ireland.
“In 2010 she and her children left Sudan on a boat operated by traffickers.After three weeks at sea the family disembarked in Dublin, moving first into a caravan where they had to eat in a communal canteen.
They were then housed for a year at an allegedly rat-infested hotel in the Republic before being offered accommodation in Co West Meath.
Once her family's bid for refugee status was turned down she was told her family's entitlement to remain in Ireland had expired.

In July 2011 they travelled to Northern Ireland and applied for asylum in the UK.
The High Court challenge was launched after Irish authorities accepted a UK Border Agency request to take them back to conclude asylum proceedings in the Republic.
It was set out how the asylum process in Ireland can take up to five years, with an application for subsidiary protection also taking two years on average.

The family contended that during this period they would face standards that do not comply with European minimum standards for refugees.” (Belfast Telegraph).
To begin with this individual is in breach of international convention, ie not seeking asylum in the closest safe country to one’s own. Having failed in her application in the Republic she going to suck the life-blood out of our country with another bogus claim here in the UK.

This is an absolute joke and while she and her brood will be taken by the hand thousands of our pensioners will not be able to heat their homes or even afford to eat properly this winter!

More Chinese drug criminals remanded.
Phat Suong Chim(46) and Tuyem Kim Nguyen have been remanded in custody following the seizure of cannabis plants with an estimated value of up to £500,000.
The defendants from Greyabbey were refused bail as police believe an organised criminal gang was behind the drugs factory. (Belfast Telegraph).
Alliance Party immigrant MLA Anna Lo has yet to comment on this latest example of the enrichment her fellow Chinese are bringing to Northern Ireland.

Tunisian sexually assaults woman in Londonderry.
A Tunisian immigrant sexually attacked a female visitor to the city after renting her a room. Ahmed Bouazzi with an address at Woodvale Mews L/Derry faces charges of sexual assault and possession of cannabis. He was refused bail. (Belfast Telegraph)

Yet again we see how women are treated by many Muslims, especially non Muslim women. The longer our borders remain open the worse it will get, you have been warned!
Angry like us? If you have any info on the damage being
inflicted on our country by enforced multiculturalism and mass immigration in your area let us know.
E-mail      Tel: 07999685038.
Find us on Face book: BritishNationalPartyNorthernIreland or Twitter: BNP.N.IRELAND
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  1. The sooner this scum is frogmarched out of our country the better it will be for us all.

  2. South Belfast has now been transformed into a sprawling & squalid camp for immigrant freeloaders.
    Donegal Pass is obviously Little Chinatown. Hence the election of the Alliance Party's Anna Lo. The local advocate of City-hall Union Flag removal.
    The Lisburn Road area is now little more than a refugee camp for all the rejects from mud-hutted Africa. (BTW 60% who are muslim tyvm)
    The Romanian 'Roma' parasites all swarm into the city centre from this vicinity also.
    'Sandy Row' (Once the HeartBeat of the British Empire)is now nothing more than bedsit land for illegal aliens.
    So don't just sit and blame Tony Blair & the marxists in Sinn Fein for promoting all this 'Multicultural Enrichment'.
    Get up offa yer arse and do something!!
    Vote BNP.
    Or join the BNP.
    Or eve just donate to the BNP.

    Just help stop this progression of foreign invasion.

    Erick Cartmann.
