
Sunday 27 January 2013


The Belfast Newsletter is probably the only Unionist Newspaper left in Northern Ireland.
Despite having previously printed letters from the British National Party, and printed quotes from our Regional Organiser, it would seem that when harsh criticism of the DUP,s partners in Stormont Sinn Fein/IRA is penned they lose their bottle!


Regional Organiser Steven Moore sent the following last week. He also followed it up with an e-mail asking to be accorded the right to reply.After all is this not what a free and impartial press in a democratic society is all about?

Just how free or impartial the Newsletter is we can't say. However we are dissapointed that while they print letters from all other shades of Unionism we are to be left out in the cold. On whose orders we wonder?
They even printed a letter from the N.I. Conservatives who didn't even contest the last Assembly elections!

So much for a democratic mandate, we at least faced the electorate and won over 1250 first preference votes. Not a huge number admittedly, but nevertheless it gives us more right to be heard than some!

The unpublished letter follows.As you see, unlike Sinn Fein/IRA, Mr Moore is not telling any lies or saying anything that has not already been said by others.  

Claims of orchestration are outrageous hypocrisy!

Dear Sir/Madam,

Over recent days I have been listening to the "jaw dropping" hypocrisy of Marxist Sinn Fein /IRA and their ludicrous claims that the British National Party and it's members are somehow orchestrating violence at the flag protests.

First of all I would confirm that most of our members have been participating in protests, as individuals, and in a peaceful capacity, I am quoted in this newspaper as saying so. We fully support the right to peaceful protest against, what we view as yet another in a long line of attacks on our British national identity.

We certainly have made no attempt to hijack any protest movement. This claim originated in left wing extremist circles and has been dutifully spread by their allies in Sinn Fein/IRA, certain elements of the media and certain people trying to make a "fast buck" out of the situation.

Alex Maskey, MLA who alleged that the British National Party were involved in violence, condoned the stone throwers of the Short Strand.Outrageous behaviour for an elected representative!

Martin McGuinness said " “This is an occasion where we do need to be seen to be standing together - not just Peter Robinson and myself - but all the political leaders in the assembly need to be speaking with one voice and making it absolutely clear that we are not going to bow the knee to anti-democratic forces.”

Has he forgotten that he got to where he is now be thoroughly undemocratic means?

Martina Anderson MEP in the European Parliament,  also alleged that the BNP were orchestrating violence. Rich indeed coming from a criminal terrorist bomber who spent 13 years in jail for her crimes!

Let me be quite clear, we do not accept any criticism or false accusations from an extremist party, whose military wing the IRA, engaged in violence and the slaughter of innocent men,women and children for decades.

Some elements amongst Unionism may have forgotten this, we have not and will never do so.

Steven Moore

British National Party Northern Ireland.

Party leader Nick Griffin speaks out on the same issue here.

Unmourned by normal people.

Marxist IRA bomber and murderer Dolours Price RIH, (roast in hell), has been found dead in her home in Dublin.
Price was part of an IRA gang who bombed the Old Bailey in London in 1973 injuring over 200 and killing one.
More interestingly ,
Dolours Price, sentenced to life for the bombing, accused Mr Adams of sanctioning the court attack.
She also alleged that he personally ordered the abduction of several people the IRA considered to be traitors in the 1970s, including Belfast mother of 10 Jean McConville.

Mr Adams has always denied ever being a member of the IRA.
Price claimed she made the allegations on the record to researchers working for Boston College in the US, which the Police Service of Northern Ireland has been battling to recover as evidence.


Will her recorded evidence now surface to implicate the Sinn Fein leader and possibly, "Machine Gun" Martin McGuinness, Joint First Minister of Northern Ireland?

It would be fantastic, but it's doubtful it will ever happen. The British Government will protect senior members of Sinn Fein/IRA at any cost to save the "so called" Peace Procees.
The DUP will do likewise to protect their tawdry little coalition with this cabal of Marxist scum, their erstwhile enemies!
Remember DUP MEP Diane Dodds refused like a child to sit beside Nick Griffin in the European Parliament but was happy to sit beside Sinn Fein/IRA and their Socialist/Marxist comrades in the same building!

Dolours Price's sister Marian, who is also a murderous terrorist scum is currently in prison in Northern Ireland for breaking the terms of her license by participating in a Republican show of strength with armed and masked men in a graveyard! Sounds like the script of some kinky porn movie!

We sincerely hope that Marian will soon be joining her sister in Beelzebub's barbeque in the very near future!

Maggot's ineptitude continues. 

PSNI, ( Police Service of Northern Ireland), Chief Constable Matt Baggott, known as Maggot, continues his "car crash" like tenure in charge of our police.

His force's handling of the recent Union Flag protests has be nothing other than a disgrace.
Protests which were intended to be wholly peaceful demonstration against ongoing attacks on our British identity, have descended into violence largely due to the behaviour of his officers and their moronic tactics!

The Maggot's latest stroke of genius is to bring in fellow Fascists from the Metropolitan Police London to advice him on riot containment!
Here in Northern Ireland we have been witnessing serious civil unrest on our streets on and off for the last 40 years! Does he really think that the "Plod of the yard" can learn us anything? That said the establishment and PSNI/SF/IRA ,over recent years, have went out of their way to remove any trace of the RUC (Royal Ulster Constabulary) who were some of the world's finest counter terrorist and riot experts!


Of course they will probably advise him to continue partial and aggressive  policing against loyal British subjects while pussy footing around Republican violence! They do just that on the mainland but it's against the white indigenous people while pandering to ethnic minorities, immigrants and left wing extremists.

On the other hand it may be a plot to destroy Northern Ireland once and for all through equalities and diversity.
Perhaps they will bring over a few rainbow ( Homosexual) flags for the PSNI to put on their armored Land rovers.
They could even bring St Stephen Lawrence's mother Doreen over to call the Unionist/Loyalist community Fascists and racists!

Referendum seen it all before.

So Camoron, in an effort to counter UKIP stealing more Tory votes, has gave a vague promise of some democracy to the UK. Yes democracy something which is indeed alien to this generation of Britons and Europeans.

Before you get to excited it's all crap! Call me Dave first of all needs to get re-elected if this is to happen in 2017. He then went on to say that he will re- negotiate the terms of the UK's membership before offering us any say in a referendum.He has made it clear that he wants us to stay in as do the other cretinous leaders of Labour and the Lib Dems.

So what will happen is Dave and Reich's Fuhrer Merkel will agree a few throw away concessions for us and he will return to the UK in triumph like Neville Chamberlain with a piece of meaningless paper in his hand.
The people of the UK will then be told through a massive propaganda onslaught that we are a soverign nation but it's in our best interests to remain within the EU.If we don't give the required answer as happened in the Republic of Ireland, never mind we just keep on having referendums until we succumb to the will of the Fascist EU! Isn't the democracy our forefathers fought for wonderful?

We've been there before in 1975 when Labour PM Harold Wilson pulled exactly the same stroke! Yea and look were that has got us!


Nick Clogg, (He's half Dutch), the other half of the pantomime horse that is our government, first of all said he wasn't worried about a referendum and then flip flopped to say it threatened stability.

News for the Cloggster, you needn't worry about it because you and your party have as much chance of getting re-elected as Obama has of becoming the next Imperial Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan!!

I suppose it's all academic really, by 2017 we will have increased our immigrant population with the addition of half of Bulgaria and Romania, and given them the vote so we will have no chance of extricating ourselves from the Orwellian horror of the the EU dictate!

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