
Thursday 31 January 2013


Just listen to how the  Bolsheviks Broadcasting Communists' (BBC) report on 21st Century IRA terrorist activity in Northern Ireland.
It's always worded as - 'Republican-Dissidents'.
Now remember that these 'Republican Dissidents' are all ex Provo members. So they are still IRA. Have never left the IRA. Still fighting a communist war on behalf of the IRA.
Look at what they call themselves -
'Continuity IRA' - 'Real IRA'.
So by their own admission they are still IRA. But do the liberal socialists at the BBC call an IRA spade an IRA spade?

The IRA (Provisionals) are in government acting as statesmen. (lol)  While their gunslinger offshoots are still murdering protestants in cold blood.
But yet the BBC were busying themselves today broadcasting video stills of loyalists who dare to protest against the Marxist/Republican/Alliance 'COUP' in Belfast city hall.
Last night the IRA planted a 'Nail Bomb' (Explosive device packed with nails to cause maximum injury to anyone in the vicinity) in the back yard of a North Belfast Community Welfare centre.
Not what you would call a British Imperialist Fortress, as it was just a converted corner shop used by both Protestant & Roman Catholic residents of the area.
So what was their reason for doing it?
They don't like community advice centres?
They hate anyone claiming welfare?
They want it converted back to a corner shop?
OR -
They don't want any sort of social mixing between the two communities?

I tend to lean towards the last reason. Maybe I am right. Maybe I am wrong.
But if I am right, is this not classed as upholding segregation? Something that these athiest Trotskyites are against?


We could delve further into what their motivations were for to bomb this cross-community civilian meeting place.
But, I think we all know the underlying reason. Just as the Roman Catholic church in Ireland fervently opposes 'Integrated Schools', then the IRA oppose integrated Community-Advice-Centres.
Is this not Apartheid? If it isn't, then surely it aint a kick in the arse off it.
But should any civilians have to die in a bomb blast because they go to premises for to ask about their 'Job Seekers Allowance'? Their 'Unemployment Benefits? Their 'Invaladity Payments'?
Surely not indeed. Surely the plastic Che Guevara wannabees are all for the common man?
Obviously not.

Whether he be a common working class Roman Catholic, or a common working class Protestant. They would all have died had this bomb exploded.
Yet, they have the damn cheek to call themselves socialists....... Socialists?
I always believed 'Socialism' was a term applied for the advancement of the under classes.
NOT to murder them in cold blood.
The (Real, Continuity etc) IRA showed themselves up (again) for exactly what they are..... BLOODTHIRSTY ANARCHISTS.


  1. East Antrim Volunteer1 February 2013 at 11:52

    These scum have never went away and anyone who thinks different is deluded. Dissident Republicans are just IRA using a flag of convenience! The DUP should be ashamed of themselves and their alliance with Republicans.

  2. Off Topic - Let me just congratulate 'McColgan Quality Foods Limited' in Strabane for feeding pig-meat to those convicted muslim Paedophiles - Incest Perverts - Rapists - Acid-Chuckers etc.
    As Marie Antoinette's fatter sister said -
    'Let them eat PORK'.

    Indigenous Red Squirrel
