
Wednesday 9 January 2013


Some of you may have seen some of the ludicrous anti BNP propaganda being put about on the Internet by Jim Dowson and his ridiculous Britain First racket. His lies are becoming more outrageous by the day. His nose must be about six feet long by now!


Apparently "super Loyalist" Dowson says that the British National Party are in league with Marxist Republicans and that we have tried to hijack the ongoing Union flag protests in Northern Ireland.
He is using a photo of Patrick Harrington posing beside a Republican wall mural in Belfast saying that he is the BNP No2, to back his assertions. Have you ever heard the BNP voice support for any Marxist organisation?

This is an old left wing extremist Searchlight/MI5/Sunday World story being rehashed by Dowson.
 Apparently Harrington while on a tourist visit to Belfast and had his photo taken beside some Republican mural. Ill advised perhaps, but what Dowson is not revealing is that Harrington also on the same trip had his photo taken beside Loyalist murals at "Freedom Corner" on Belfast's Newtownards Road.
This photo has regularly featured on Searchlight/MI5/Sunday World articles to link Harrington to Loyalist paramilitaries!

Just for the record Patrick Harrington is a long time acquaintance of British National Party leader Nick Griffin but is not and I'm told never has been a member of the party.
Confused? So one week we are linked to the IRA and the next it's the UVF/UDA!
This is classic subversive information and demonising of a patriotic party by the state and their helpers!

Dowson was formerly a fund raiser for the BNP,  ran the their call centre in Dundonald near Belfast.
He was sacked in the wake of the 2010 general election leaflet debacle. So he certainly has an axe to grind with the BNP!
Nick Griffin has apologised and taken responsibility for ever letting Dowson become involved with the party.


I have this on very good authority, the leaflets , in excess of 1,000,000, could have been produced at cost price in England by a party member with a printing business. However Dowson insisted on having then produced in Belfast by Romac press.
The leaflet  produced was flawed in that it had the wrong telephone number and text on them. Proper contact number is something which is pretty much essential on a political leaflet!
The British National Party quite rightly refused to pay for a tainted product and were forced to have them reprinted at short notice and great expense on the mainland UK.
Dowson then allowed Romac Press to go to the wall with the loss of several people's jobs.
He then commenced a campaign against the BNP blaming them for the closure of Romac aided and abetted by his erstwhile enemies in the media.

Let's look at the facts.

Over 1 million leaflets messed up just before an election by a so called professional Dowson. This does not happen by accident!

Dowson, on the eve of the 2011 Assembly elections in Northern Ireland, gave an interview in the anti British pro- Republican Belfast Telegraph blaming the BNP for the Romac job losses which HE was responsible for.

In October 2011 Dowson colluded with the anti Loyalist BBC in a Panorama TV documentary against the BNP. The claims from Dowson and Marion Thomas, his sister in law, who was employed at the call centre, are bizarre to say the least.
Thomas tried to claim that members of the BNP held her hostage in a truck in Comber town centre! (and then incidentally let her leave after giving her several thousand pounds) this is rather odd, dont you think, as the last time I checked kidnap victims usualy leave once a ransom has been paid, not the other way around.

I know that some of the guys from the mainland can be a bit naive but they are not stupid enough to try strong arm tactics just a stone's throw from areas where men with  guns can be summoned at the drop of a hat , or indeed balaclava !

It is also widely  suspected that Dowson gave ,or more likely sold, BNP member's details to various organisations such as the English Democrats. So anyone thinking of giving details to Britain First need to be very careful as they could end up in the hands of the highest bidder.

There are many who believe that Dowson and his sidekick Paul Golding, (it is alleged that Golding's energy could be attributed to his penchant for Colombian marching powder), are actually in the pay of the intelligence services!
I can't say if this is true or not, however when you consider that they constantly regurgitate anti-British/Loyalist propaganda which usually has it's origins in Searchlight/Sunday World it makes one wonder.

George Seawright  "wannabe" Dowson is well known for boasting of his connections to paramilitaries in Northern Ireland and his participation in the war against the IRA. It has been alleged by many that he uses these alleged connections to intimidate opponents. He even describes himself as an Ulster-man, which he is not, he's Scottish.

It's easy to impress people on mainland UK with heroic tales of valour and patriotism on the streets of war torn Northern Ireland, if there ever was any participation. It is not so easy to impress the likes of ourselves born and bred in the country.

Has he told people at the protests of his long standing links to Catholic Republican anti abortion groups?
I doubt it!

Can he explain the allegations of the disappearance of money he collected on his pro life campaign?
I doubt it!

"In 1999 Dowson had formed Precious Life Scotland and it was through cooperation between his group and Youth Defence that he met Barrett. The link proved beneficial when Barrett pitched £50,000 into Dowson's organisation to pay for the production of anti-abortion CDs and video tapes to be distributed to schools and churches in Northern Ireland and Scotland.

Dowson was a "rent-a-cause" extremist who had been kicked out of the Orange Order. He has a list of criminal convictions including breach of the peace in 1986, possession of a weapon and breach of the peace in 1991 and criminal damage in 1992. Although a Protestant, he was happy to sell thousands of photographs of the Pope at inflated prices to Catholics in the Irish Republic.
I have been following his involvement with the anti-abortion centre campaign. Here again the press highlighted his involvement and used it to smear and divide the protestors. Here again he assumed the role of leader and spokesman on an emotive issue."

Dowson's latest pathetic lies against us are aimed at the more intellectually challenged people involved in Loyalism.
Fortunately most people will see him for what he and his Britain First scam really are, charlatans and confidence tricksters!

BNP OFFICE: The Belfast call centre


He and his fellow scam artists continue to defraud patriotic people from his lock up in Dundonald.
He is, make no mistake, a vile creature and Loyalism should, and must avoid him and his scams at all costs!

 "Mr Dowson has a string of dissolved companies behind him that never submit accounts and all claim to be raising money for a wide variety of ‘charitable causes’ from anti-abortion to anti-Islam. A quick search on Google for James Dowson will reveal more. A Companies House Director search will reveal a very clear picture of James Dowson’s motives in his latest scam.
Let’s be absolutely clear about this: Jim Dowson’s long history of Money Making Scams is centred around each one collecting names, addresses and email addresses that he feeds into his ‘Spam Database’ that he bombards people with begging for money, donations and memberships. He creates petitions and surveys designed solely to extract names and addresses for his begging machine. He bleeds the cause dry, makes a tidy profit, folds the business and then starts a new venture. His history is there for all to see and confirms without doubt what his true motives are." He himself stated in an interview with the BBC ,"I have made no secret from the very beginning of my very, very murky past". Quite how murky is a matter of opinion.

Jim Dowson


Although many of our members , (all from Northern Ireland, unlike Dowson and Golding), have actively participated in peaceful protests, there has never been any attempt by the British National Party to hijack anything.
This nonsense was first started by the brain dead enemies of our people, the SundayWorld/Searchlight comic, and dutifully spread by Dowson and his gang.
Dowson on the other hand has every intention of hijacking the loyalist community's anger for his own personal gain. He even claimed on his website to have led thousands of protesters to the city hall.

Who put him in charge? Are protesters aware that Britain First are apparently the self appointed saviours of Northern Ireland? Why would they be involved in any Loyalist forum?

During the 2011 Assembly and local council elections we faced the electorate. Although we didn't expect to win any seats at the first attempt we were happy enough with the amount of first preference votes we received. It demonstrated that we do enjoy support in Unionist communities despite the myth that we have none.
Dowson and Golding did not face any electorate or win any votes. We rest our case!


  1. Is this is the same Jim Dowson who ran off with the pro life money donated by those pensioners? I often wondered when that bastard was going to resurface. His links to Irish Republicans are well known in the Republic of Ireland. Wonder would those ppl who are still looking for their money like to know of his whereabouts. Maybe someone should inform them. So hes operating in the Carrowreagh centre in Dundonald Belfast Northern Ireland. Thats very interesting indeed.

  2. East Antrim Volunteer9 January 2013 at 06:39

    Seen Dowson and Golding at the City Hall protest recently. Remember thinking they were a dodgy looking pair of c**ts. Seems my instincts were right after all!

  3. I wonder if Jim Dowson knows about Paul Goldings love of the Bogota Baby Powder.

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