
Friday 27 December 2013


Hope all our friends and comrades had a wonderful and peaceful Christmas and are continuing to do so.
Our thoughts are with those less fortunate than ourselves who are not able to stuff themselves with turkey, Christmas pudding and booze. It's a sad fact that the use of food banks in the UK has risen three fold in a year with around 400,000 people being forced to ask for hand outs this year.


Yes it is indeed incredible that a country, which still insists on lavishing more than 11 billion pounds in foreign aid on other countries, cannot provide for it's own citizens in not only food but health care,education and heating their homes!

Of course it's hard to know how many of these 400,000 are actually immigrants and asylum seekers, however many of them are our own people fell upon hard times through unemployment or losing their homes because of the greed of the banks!

Our thoughts, as always, must go to our armed forces who are overseas during this time and cannot be with their loved ones.

Whereas we don't agree with British troops being used in the Afghanistan war as it doesn't serve our interests, we do recognise their sacrifice and professionalism in carrying out their duty. The British National
Party will always back our armed forces.

Soldiers celebrating in Camp Bastion


Finally Christmas , as the name implies is a Christian festival and time of  remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ, not just about stuffing our faces!

Consequently we remember that Christians,even nominal Christians, in the UK are under attack from rabid secularism and equally rabid Islam.

Worse still in the likes of Pakistan and Syria Christians are being regularly persecuted to death with little being said about it by our putrid political class and controlled media.

Christian Persecution


So spare a thought and perhaps a prayer for them because the way things are going in the U.K. and Europe it could very well be us in the near future!

Tuesday 17 December 2013


The British National Party’s Regional Organiser for Northern Ireland, Steven Moore, recently had a rather amusing spat with, self styled Bishop, Pat Buckley in a supermarket in Larne Co Antrim.

Buckley has long been a bizarre and controversial figure having been excommunicated from the Roman Catholic church, and refusing to vacate church property, The Oratory, in Larne where he holds services for his deluded flock.

Despite his claims back in January that charges of conducting sham marriages were part of an, ( imagined), conspiracy,

Buckley has now admitted to his involvement in 14 sham marriages with the purpose of flouting immigration laws .

When Mr Moore spotted him in a local supermarket he took the opportunity to berate the  immigration criminal in public.

Mr Moore told us “ I told Buckley that he should be thoroughly ashamed of himself for his actions in facilitating the illegal entry into the UK of yet more immigrants we neither want or need. I further told him that he deserved to go prison for his criminality. “

“Buckley then rather predictably called me a racist and a bigot, standard response of the left and those who refuse to face the truth of the mass immigration disaster in the UK.

He also said I should get an IQ check. Why, for publicly exposing his criminality? I retorted that my IQ was fine, and going on what he told the court about being duped into these illegal ceremonies, possibly superior to his”!

“More bizarrely he tried to equate the present immigration and asylum crisis with Scottish migration to Ulster, oblivious to the fact that the Cruthin peoples of Ulster returned from Scotland with the plantation to what was once their lands. He also stated that he himself was an immigrant from Co Offlay!

I told him to grow up as he knew perfectly well that I was referring  the current waves of mass immigration emanating from eastern Europe and the third world! “

Most bizarre of all Buckley continued his diatribe by saying that once upon a time monkeys came down from the trees to evolve into man , but people with Mr Moore’s views had not yet descended from the trees! 

Buckley was then asked by Mr Moore if he subscribed to Darwinism, and as this seemed to be the case how could he call himself a Christian!

Mr Moore said “ I left him by saying that he was the one that had broken the law and was up in court  and that I would accept no criticism from a criminal like him! “   

Buckley offers marriage services to the divorced as well as blessing gay unions.Of course it is rumoured that he charges a princely sum for these services.
 He is also well known for conducting Gypsy weddings which attract hoards of travellers to the town resulting quite often in some terribly anti-social behaviour. It has to be said that some of these Gypsy brides don’t look a day over fourteen

On 10 October 1999 he publicly confirmed his homosexuality, and takes a liberal stance on both moral issues and theology. In his autobiography, Buckley stated that he believes it may be possible for the Devil himself to be redeemed. He has also claimed that over 40% of Catholic clergy are gay and has encouraged them to come out.

Buckley is actively involved in the gay and lesbian community in both Ireland and Britain His ministry involves giving same-sex blessings as well as holding spiritual seminars for LGB communities.

Buckley entered into a civil partnership with his Filipino boyfriend Eduardo Yango on 2 March 2010.


So this is the type of deviant criminal who presumes to lecture the British National Party on immigrants and immigration.

Furthermore he believes he is above the law of the land and is somehow immune from any criticism!

Unfortunately as he is playing the “poor health” card it looks like he will escape jail this time.

 But fear not the British National Party will be watching his activities very closely from now on!

Thursday 5 December 2013


The revelations from the Smithwick enquiry that Irish Garda, (police), officers colluded in the murders of two senior RUC,( Royal Ulster Constabulary),in 1989 will come as no surprise to the Unionist/Loyalist community in Northern Ireland.

"Chief Superintendent Harry Breen and Superintendent Bob Buchanan, the highest-ranking RUC officers to be killed during 30 years of The Troubles, were shot dead in an ambush in March 1989 in south Armagh.The attack happened as they crossed the border into Northern Ireland after a meeting in Dundalk Garda station.In the report of his Dublin-based eight-year enquiry released on Tuesday evening, Judge Peter Smithwick said he was “satisfied there was collusion in the murders.”
Predictably leader of the Marxist Sinn Fein/IRA, Gerry Adams has tried to pour cold water on the findings of Judge Smithwick by unbelievably trying to sanitise the IRA and the Irish Police's role in this by suggesting that the two victims had effectively committed suicide because of their "laisser faire" attitude to their own security!


Using his rationale those who were killed on Bloody Sunday basically killed themselves because of their cavalier attitude to warnings from the police and army to stay off the streets. They ignored warnings and attacked security forces with bricks and stones while allowing themselves to be used as a smokescreen for IRA gunmen who were firing at the army! I would have said it was certainly a "laisser faire" attitude to security attacking paratroopers who are already under fire from terrorists!

 This is typical of a wretched left wing extremist who continually howls for public enquiries into "alleged" security force collusion with loyalists and the equally mythical "shoot to kill policy" Adams, who covered up his brother Laim's paedophile rape of his own daughter for years, and the equally vile Martin McGuinness do not however wish to have any enquiries into their activities in the murderous IRA such as the Claudy bomb atrocity in 1972 or the disappeared corpses of those their bunch of thugs tortured and murdered.
 Unfortunately they are being aided and abetted in this by the British government to protect to "so called " peace process at any cost!

However the Smithwick enquiry, although it's as hard to believe the Irish police force had a policy of collusion with the IRA as it is to believe the RUC and British army had one with loyalist groups,  raises yet again the question of high level Irish state collusion with republicans.

Irish cabinet minister and future Prime Minister Charles Haughey and fellow cabinet minister Neil Blaney were accused of and brought to court for their involvement in a plot to arm the newly formed PIRA  in 1970. Also involved in the plot were Irish Army officer Captain James Kelly (what about this for collusion Gerry?) and Flemish Nazi Albert Luykx, (and the left call us Nazis!).


They plotted with the IRA to buy and import weapons, using Irish government money, to be used to kill British citizens and soldiers in Northern Ireland.
It could be said that senior members of the Irish government helped found  the Provisional IRA which inflicted decades of barbarity on the UK!

The government of the Irish Republic under Jack Lynch, who was well aware of Haughey's activities, also plotted to send troops into Northern Ireland to back the IRA. Luckily for them this plan never came to pass!

Unionists in Northern Ireland have always been acutely aware of this dagger poised to stab us in the back from across our border, certainly more so than people in the rest of the UK or elsewhere.
However we are also acutely aware that not all citizens of the Irish Republic wish us harm, indeed the majority are happy to live and let live. Both countries depend economically on a happy co-existence.

We believe that the Irish government not only needs to apologise to and compensate the families of the two policemen but also to the people of N Ireland for their role in helping create the Provos.


Furthermore they need to examine their past actions against British citizens in Northern Ireland and indeed against their own citizens who enlisted in the British forces during WW2
as demonstrated by DeValera's infamous Starvation Order.


Friday 8 November 2013


On the 11th of November at 11 am in 1918 the guns fell silent signalling the end of the “War to end all wars”.

Unfortunately, as we are all acutely aware , the end of WW1 which cost the lives of an estimated 16 million people, was not the final conflict that mankind would enter into.

As it says in the Bible Matthew 24:6
“And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.”
WW 2 was even more deadly putting paid to 60 million lives globally which was 2.5% of the population of the earth. Since then there have be many conflicts which have involved British and Commonwealth servicemen and women.. Some of the more recent Iraq and Afghanistan are conflicts in which British troops have ,and still are in the case of Afghanistan, been needlessly sacrificed in the interests of capitalism , in particular American capitalism !
That said we should never forget the sacrifice of our troops in wars and conflicts around the world . We must be deeply grateful to the men and women who gave their to-day for our tomorrow. 
As Remembrance Sunday approaches I reflect on the many members of my own family, and indeed close personal friends, who over the years have served, fought and died under the colours.
I can’t even begin to imagine the feelings of terror of young men standing in a muddy trench, bayonets fixed awaiting the whistle and the command “Over the top” which meant almost certain death !
My Great-grandfather, serving with the 36th Ulster Division, along with two of his brothers did just that at the Somme in 1916. His brothers fell dead beside him during the battle. My Great-grandfather wasn’t much more than 16 or 17 years old.
Anger, unsurprisingly, wells up in me when I witness Islamic colonisers burning the poppy, our symbol of remembrance, on the streets of London , or daubing graffiti on cenotaphs and being allowed to do so!
 No better either, the left wing extremists of UAF (Unite Against Fascism) who desecrated floral tributes to Lee Rigby recently, or spoiled middle class students who urinate on war memorials !
We have unrepentant IRA, (those who perpetrated the Poppy Day massacre in Enniskillen in 1987), terrorists in government in Northern Ireland and a constant republican campaign to ban the wearing of the poppy.
Is this the nation fit for heros my Great-grandad fought for and his brothers died for ?
Is this what my Great- uncle John burned in a tank for at El Alamein for? Is this the country my Great-uncle Jonny ,who suffered in a POW camp in Burma, would have been proud of ?
Fortunately there are people like us in the British National Party who remember and revere those who fought and died for our country, and respect those who serve in our armed forces to-day. We will carry on the fight to protect our British culture and heritage no matter what  because we owe it to the memory of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.
As I stand at the cenotaph on Sunday head bowed , wreath in hand, I will be , in my head, reciting the famous poem by the Canadian Lt Col John McCrae (1872-1918)
 At the going down of the sun, and in the morning we shall remember them!

Wednesday 16 October 2013

October Newsletter.

October's edition of the British National Party Northern Ireland's popular newsletter highlighting the damage of immigration,asylum and enforced multiculturalism and republican sub human jihad against the Unionist community. Please feel free to print and share with friends.



Polish drug gangs cause havoc in Dungannon. 

Armed Polish narco-gangsters are busily engaged in a war with rival Polish and other immigrant gangs over drugs ,turf and no doubt prostitution 
.“Twelve men attacked and set fire to a house in Co Tyrone as part of an escalating suspected drugs feud between rival Polish factions, the High Court heard. Police had earlier put out a fire at the property following a 999 call from the occupants.A prosecution barrister said a gang of Polish men armed with weapons had broken through a back door and tried to get upstairs. A twelfth suspect was hit on the head as he attempted the ascent and later taken to hospital. The intruders then ransacked the house and lit a fire in the hallway, throwing clothes and a television set on the blaze before leaving, the court heard. Inquiries revealed the cars had travelled from the Irish Republic into Dungannon to mount the attack.” (Belfast Telegraph Oct 7th) 

This is the true face of uncontrolled mass immigration and asylum as well as our membership of the E.U. It is also frightening that gangs of armed foreigners can cross our border with the Irish Republic with impunity. Is this the vibrancy and benefits brought to our country by migrants ?
Republican ghoul’s memorial for Shankill bomber.
Plans by republicans to stage a commemoration rally for Shankill bomber Thomas Begley have infuriated relatives of victims killed in the IRA attack. With tensions already running high in the area the IRA and their supporters decide they should wallow in their barbarity, killing innocent men, women and children, by celebrating terrorist scum Begley who blew himself up with his own bomb.
We find this absolutely sick, abhorrent but unsurprising as these sick ghouls are nothing more thansubhuman scum. We regret that Begley’s fellow subhuman murderer Sean Kelly was not consigned to hell with him instead of being allowed to continue to direct republican terrorism on the streets of Belfast. Even if this event does not go ahead the families of the victims, and Begley was a victim maker not a victim, will have been left deeply upset.
Who are the PSNI and Secretary of State protecting?
The news that the probe into the 1972 massacre in the Claudy bomb has been met with disbelief not only by the victim’s families but by the wider Unionist community. Representatives of the vile PSNI told families that the probe into the IRA atrocity, which killed 9, including an 8 year old girl, is being brought to a close. Considering the state spent in excess of £200 million on the Bloody Sunday inquiry and countless millions on other probes at the behest of Sinn Fein/IRA, this is yet another example of one sided justice.
 It is well known that Deputy First Minister, (Machine gun), Martin McGuinness was the senior IRA commander of the area at that time. Therefore it would be inadmissible that he does not have any knowledge of who planted the bombs! So it wouldn’t be beyond the realms of possibility, and we believe, that it is very convenient for Matt Baggott and Theresa Villiers to protect McGuinness and other senior republicans by brushing this outrage under the carpet. The British National Party demands that this inquiry is reopened and the perpetrators, and anyone who withheld information, be brought to justice.
Hate to say told you so, but told you so ! Russian and other eastern European Mafias are reportedly running amok, fighting with locals, dealing in drugs and worse in the Donegal Pass/ Village area of south Belfast. As the BNP have warned many times in the past this is the inevitable price our communities are and will pay because of uncontrolled immigration, asylum, enforced multiculturalism and the politically correct paralysis which has all but halted any debate on these issues in the public domain. Our “so called” political class continue to turn a blind eye while filling their pockets. Is this the future you want for your kids and grand-kids?
Clothes-horses for Roma gypsies! You will be delighted to learn, ( You couldn’t make it up), that Belfast City Council has supplied the Roma in South Belfast clothes-horses free of charge because they were hanging their laundry over hedges and walls etc. In these times of austerity when old people have to suffer because they can’t heat their homes this is an absolute disgrace ! Belfast ratepayers should contact B C C  028900320202 and demand a clothes –horse. After all it would be discrimination to refuse !
Angry like us? If you have any info on the damage being inflicted on our country by enforced multiculturalism and mass immigration and republicanism in your area let us know.
E-mail      Tel: 07999685038.
Find us on Face book: BritishNationalPartyNorthernIreland or Twitter: BNP.N.IRELAND

Sunday 1 September 2013


The September edition of the British National Party Northern Ireland's popular newsletter exposing the damage that enforced multiculturalism and republican aggression is doing to our part of the UK.
Feel free to print this and share it with your friends.



Republican “jihad” against Protestant loyalist communities continues!
The latest attack, Sunday 18th August, on another Protestant home in the Suffolk estate demonstrates that republican scum is intent on cleansing this community from West Belfast. The house in which two young children were present has been previously attacked with petrol bombs. The PSNI response? To send neighbourhood officers to discuss to attacks with the tenant! Imagine the rocks and petrol bombs had came from the loyalist side onto Catholic homes. No doubt the PSNI would don riot gear and send in dozens of land-rovers to bully loyalist residents. It's also strange that they have not described these attacks as “hate crime”. The BBC ignored this attack but instead focused on a paint attack on a Nigerian’s house in East Belfast! 
There's little point in the DUP condemning this latest outrage as they are in coalition with the perpetrators Sinn Fein /IRA!

Are we nuts?
A Sudanese woman has won a legal challenge, funded by you, to being removed from N.Ireland.
“In 2010 she and her children left Sudan on a boat operated by traffickers.After three weeks at sea the family disembarked in Dublin, moving first into a caravan where they had to eat in a communal canteen.
They were then housed for a year at an allegedly rat-infested hotel in the Republic before being offered accommodation in Co West Meath.
Once her family's bid for refugee status was turned down she was told her family's entitlement to remain in Ireland had expired.

In July 2011 they travelled to Northern Ireland and applied for asylum in the UK.
The High Court challenge was launched after Irish authorities accepted a UK Border Agency request to take them back to conclude asylum proceedings in the Republic.
It was set out how the asylum process in Ireland can take up to five years, with an application for subsidiary protection also taking two years on average.

The family contended that during this period they would face standards that do not comply with European minimum standards for refugees.” (Belfast Telegraph).
To begin with this individual is in breach of international convention, ie not seeking asylum in the closest safe country to one’s own. Having failed in her application in the Republic she going to suck the life-blood out of our country with another bogus claim here in the UK.

This is an absolute joke and while she and her brood will be taken by the hand thousands of our pensioners will not be able to heat their homes or even afford to eat properly this winter!

More Chinese drug criminals remanded.
Phat Suong Chim(46) and Tuyem Kim Nguyen have been remanded in custody following the seizure of cannabis plants with an estimated value of up to £500,000.
The defendants from Greyabbey were refused bail as police believe an organised criminal gang was behind the drugs factory. (Belfast Telegraph).
Alliance Party immigrant MLA Anna Lo has yet to comment on this latest example of the enrichment her fellow Chinese are bringing to Northern Ireland.

Tunisian sexually assaults woman in Londonderry.
A Tunisian immigrant sexually attacked a female visitor to the city after renting her a room. Ahmed Bouazzi with an address at Woodvale Mews L/Derry faces charges of sexual assault and possession of cannabis. He was refused bail. (Belfast Telegraph)

Yet again we see how women are treated by many Muslims, especially non Muslim women. The longer our borders remain open the worse it will get, you have been warned!
Angry like us? If you have any info on the damage being
inflicted on our country by enforced multiculturalism and mass immigration in your area let us know.
E-mail      Tel: 07999685038.
Find us on Face book: BritishNationalPartyNorthernIreland or Twitter: BNP.N.IRELAND
Donate to BNP/NI @

Thursday 25 July 2013


Prime Minister David Cameron continued on his quest to destroy our nation and make his dream of some kind of “Homosexual Utopia” through “Gay Marriage” a reality.

The “Gay Marriage” bill, for which he had no mandate, was passed in Parliament despite fierce opposition from members of his own Conservative party . Worse still a large proportion of the British people were against this Cultural Marxist attack on our society on the grounds that Marriage is a union between a man and a woman as ordained by God almighty. Their concerns were duly ignored.

Of course when has listening to public opinion ever bothered Cameron?
He gloated at his achievement in perverting the nation’s morals by hosting a reception for an audience of  homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people in Downing Street.
Downing Street is supposed to be the residence of the Prime Minister and where the Cabinet meets, the very hub of government! We shudder to think what freaks Cameron is allowing through the doors of this building ! It is rumoured that the Prime Minister addressed the audience in drag in order to make them feel at home and to demonstrate his sycophantic dedication to the cause of gay rights !

He told the assembled crowd, which included BBC celebrity Clare Balding, who is put in the limelight at every opportunity like some kind of gay dressage horse, of his pride in legislating for gay marriage. Chillingly Cameron also talked of young children in school being taught that gay marriage is right and normal. It doesn’t matter to him what children are taught to believe by their parents or the Bible they must conform to the new order !


Pride Mr Cameron? For perverting the institution marriage and changing the very definition of the term ? Pride at fixating on this subject to the detriment of everything else?

We hope you are proud that our young soldiers are still spilling their guts in Afghanistan in a futile war which was never our concern to begin with ! ( I should have thought ending our involvement there would be more of a priority than homosexual marriage).

We hope you are proud that thousands of British pensioners die every  winter of cold and hunger because you insist in sending billions of pounds over seas !

We hope you are proud that while claiming to be tough on immigration and asylum you still have not taken decisive action to reverse the damage that has been caused to our nation !

We hope you are proud that Mosques and militant Islam continue to spread like a cancer across the UK ethnically cleansing the indigenous population before it !

We hope you are proud that we now live in a Fascist state were free speech for white British nationalists is ruthlessly suppressed and expressing Christian beliefs against  homosexuality is a hate crime !

This list of shame could go on indefinitely.

No this will be remembered as a day of infamy when cultural Marxism rejoiced at a “so called” conservative putting the knife into the Christian heart of this country !

Cameron then went on to say he wanted to export homosexual marriage around the world, and even send Ministers around the globe to spread the filth around. No doubt money will be found to do this.
We can’t wait to see how this is going to work in Muslim countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh !


Better still I wonder if Cameron on his next visit to Saudi Arabia will wear a “Gay Pride” tee-shirt and demand that they introduce homosexual unions !
It would be marvellous seeing his severed head on a stick on the palace walls !

That’s it Dave prioritise, don’t worry about getting us work and orders for our goods, making sure homosexuals can celebrate their nuptials is much more important !

Cameron said recently that countries who persecute homosexuals and are in receipt of British foreign aid, ( not that we should be giving out money in any-case), could have this aid withdrawn.

He did not, however, threaten any country who persecuted Christians with any punitive sanction.
Why is this ? 
Not that we in anyway endorse the persecution of homosexuals, but does he consider that gay rights are worth more that Christian rights?

Perhaps churches, who unfairly criticise the British National Party at the behest of their political masters, might like to take this on board !

Thursday 6 June 2013


Just leafing through the Carrick Advertiser newspaper which carried an article about our recent day of action in the town.

The headline was "BNP VISIT SPLITS OPINION".

At the time of our visit I can confirm, (I was there), that we were well received and were confronted with not one negative comment. On the contrary we received many supportive comments from people sick and tired of debate on issues, such as the effects of Islam on the UK, being permanently stifled by the political correctness , and indeed the cowardice of our establishment politicians.

Photo: BNP NI members out today in Carrickfergus, our leaflets where well received by the public.


In fairness the Carrick Advertiser printed "verbatim" comments made by our Regional Organiser Steven Moore on the BNP website.

“ As part of the “ Day of action” British National Party Northern Ireland activists were on the streets of the historic town of Carrickfergus in Co Antrim.

Hundreds of leaflets were distributed demanding action over the continuing Muslim paedophile scandal and the calling for Islamic hate clerics to be kicked out of the U.K.

Regional Organiser Steven Moore said “ In light of the horrific ritual killing in Woolwich last Wednesday there is a real sense of betrayal amongst our people.
As a result our leaflets were very well received indeed. People realise that only the British National Party have the guts to highlight issues of the “Rape Jihad” and Islamic violence on our streets.

Our message is that, due to the burgeoning Muslim population here, Northern Ireland will not be immune to Islamic violence. We also will pay the price of enforced multiculturalism and mass immigration. I believe that this message is now being taken on board.”

They (Carrick Advertiser), also “allegedly” solicited the opinions of locals, one pro BNP and another anti BNP.
The anti BNP comments were as usual pro multicultural drivel !

They alleged our actions were dangerous incitement to hate, and that we were insinuating that “all members of the Muslim community are paedophiles and are a predatory threat to white women in general.”

We believe that beating, drugging and raping of little white girls, blowing up of buses and tube trains, cutting people’s heads off in broad daylight in London and screaming  that the victim will rot in Hell is real hatred and incitement!

Our leaflets make no insinuations that all Muslims are paedophiles at all. They are simply demanding that not only the perpetrators of this racist Muslim “ Rape Jihad” against white children be brought to justice, but also those guilty of the establishment cover-up by means of a public enquiry. Why would anyone in their right mind criticise us for that?

And if you think this particular problem is nothing to do with religion and race read Dr Taj Hargey, a Muslim cleric, writing in the daily Mail.

Next to be wheeled out to criticise our day of action was Ulster Unionist  MLA ( Member of The Legislative Assembly) Roy Beggs Jnr.

Mr Beggs, in his diatribe, of course tried to ignore the fact that we were on the streets not only as UK citizens to demand a UK public enquiry, but to also raise public awareness of the threat of Islam to our society.

Mr Beggs said “ I find it very strange that the BNP come to Carrickfergus and campaign against racist paedophilia.”
He went on to talk about organised crime gangs and people trafficking , a somewhat different issue.

He of course omitted  to mention that Islamic terrorism and rape gangs, as well as the eastern European people traffickers he alluded to, exist in the UK because of mass immigration, asylum and enforced multiculturalism!

Mr Begg’s Ulster Unionist Party, (led by a former newsreader) , is now a shadow of it’s former self, the Lord  Laird scandal another nail in it’s sarcophagus.

Like other parties in Northern Ireland, except us, they don’t even have a policy on immigration. In fact if they ,( The Ulster Unionist Party) , were a person , as one wag recently commented on Twitter, I would buy them a one way ticket to the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland to end it all !


I expect that the legendary, and magnificent patriot, Enoch Powell, who ended up as an Ulster Unionist MP, is now spinning in his grave.
Worse still Edward Carson must be trying to dig his way out of  St Ann’s Cathedral by now, such is the disaster that has beset Unionism!

We wonder why the Carrick Advertiser does not even have a letters page to give us the right to reply?
Of course when we dig a little deeper we find it is part of the Alpha Newspaper Group.
This group is part owned  and chaired by retired UUP politician Lord Kilclooney formerly known as John Taylor !
Quelle surprise !

Message to Mr Beggs and is party, and indeed any other party in Northern Ireland.
We will not surrender and will continue to highlight, by whatever means necessary, the evils of multiculturalism and the wicked attempt to replace the indigenous people of our nation.

Better still we are prepared to debate the issue of the failed doctrine of multiculturalism and mass immigration and asylum with Mr Beggs in public, in front of the people if he so wishes.

Until then he can slither back under the stone from whence he came !

Monday 3 June 2013


Good letter to DUP (Democratic Unionist Party ) MLA  Jonathan Bell from one of our members bringing his attention to the disastrous impact of immigration to Northern Ireland.

Not that Mr Bell will be in the least concerned about what happens to the indigenous people of this country . He is more interested in infantile name calling against us such as “Holocaust deniers” and “Fascists”.


Telling indeed that neither his party, or any of the other parties in Northern Ireland, except the BNP ( UKIP’S pretend policy doesn’t count) has any policy pertaining to the emotive issue of immigration !

Still don’t think that immigration and enforced multiculturalism are a dangerous mix for Northern Ireland?

It’s been revealed that the white Muslim convert  who threatened to kidnap and kill Prince Harry  is one Ashraf  Islam or Mark Townley as he was known in his hometown of Bangor in County Down!

Apparently this piece of human excrement was “radicalised “ in prison in Northern Ireland by immigrant Jihadist criminals!


We wonder if Mr Bell and is party think this part of the enrichment brought to our society via mass immigration and asylum, and the enforced multiculturalism that the establishment so rabidly promote, is good for us?

Does Mr Bell not see the irony? While campaigning against Human trafficking he shuts his eyes to the root causes, mass immigration and asylum, and criticises those who have their eyes wide open!

The people of Northern Ireland need to heed this wake up call, and now!

We don’t expect an answer and doubt very much that he or the Belfast Telegraph will respond to the following letter, enjoy!

Dear Mr Bell
I wondered what you had to say about the comments in the Tyrone Courier made by Lord Morrow concerning the  predicted increase in the population of Dungannon over the next eight years?

 Lord Morrow says "The indigenous population must brace itself for massive change over the next ten years if the predicted population increase is realised"  he then goes on to say, " It would be foolish to ignore that a population growth of these proportions will also bring pressures. If a swell in the population is due to people moving to the area without work or the prospect of work, steps must be taken to ensure this is prevented".

 Do you think Lord Morrow wants to stop a flood of even more migrants descending upon Dungannon, with schools, health services and housing already under immense strain?  This article is telling us that there are 14 schools in the Dungannon area  which are already  overcrowded, how are they going to cope with even more migrants coming into Dungannon? 
 Of course this is not the only area in NI that finds itself flooded with migrants putting our services under strain. This is why NI needs the British National Party.

I will also be sending a copy of this letter to the Belfast Newsletter.

Yours sincerely
Christine Jones

Thursday 23 May 2013

Barbaric Islam on the streets of London

Well written by Steven Moore yesterday.

Sickening is the only way to describe to-day's horrific jihad slaughter in Woolwich. Two black
Muslim savages beheaded and hacked to death a white soldier in broad daylight in the street. Of course, as the victim was white, there was no immediate claims by the media of racism! 

This murderous attack is an attack upon our people, our culture and the UK as a Christian country. The political... elite, the controlled media and our left wing enemies are all responsible for this outrage. It was and is they who imposed enforced mass immigration and asylum upon us and waved flags for it, while viciously stifling any debate, claiming it was in the interests of "community cohesion".  Well we wonder what this poor soldier's family thinks about "community cohesion and multiculturalism" as they mourn the loss of a son, brother and perhaps husband and father?



 I hope Cameron, Clegg and the wretched Miliband can sleep in their beds tonight. They probably will, as it's not one of their loved ones lying on a mortuary slab. They have allowed a great evil to flourish in the UK through their policies of appeasement and multiculturalism. The backlash when it eventually comes, will be their fault and their's alone. For years the British National Party has been warning of the approaching apocalypse which seems set to engulf us. We are called Nazis and racists and, to use a very topical phrase, "swivel eyed loons". But as with the continuing rape jihad against white British children, which our leader Nick Griffin exposed a decade ago we have been proved right again!


Don't think we in Northern Ireland are immune. We have a burgeoning Muslim immigrant population supported by government handouts, and all our politicians keen to display their anti racist credentials to keep grants rolling in. The BNP are the party who oppose mass immigration and asylum and the eventual replacement of the indigenous population.

 Remember also that our republican enemies have close links with Muslim terrorist groups in the middle east. If you feel angry, and I do, please take action and join the BNP in N Ireland or indeed on the mainland or make a dontation on this blog, and help us fight the evil in our midst! Also pray for the family of the poor victim of today's bestial murder. Thank-you.

S Moore Regional Organiser BNP N Ireland.

Thursday 16 May 2013


The latest appalling Oxford Muslim paedophile rape gang trial reinforces what we knew already.
Islamic gangs have been allowed to drug rape, torture, and sell white girls as young as 11 into sex slavery for other Muslim men to abuse.

Some details of the abuse are to harrowing to print in any detail. However as with recent “Rape jihad” cases in Rotherham and Rochdale they follow a familiar pattern.

Many of these white children were systematically drugged with hard drugs, gang raped beaten with baseball bats and sticks and urinated upon. Some were even given primitive “back street” abortions when they fell pregnant by their tormentors. One was branded by a hot iron with the letter M ( Mohammad)!

Sounds like the script of some horror movie doesn’t it?
Alas no, this is very real in modern UK and indeed Europe. This is part of the global Jihad and Islamic colonisation. This is a symptom of mass uncontrolled immigration and asylum to our shores. This is a symptom of  the subjugation of  a Christian country by the evil and alien cult of  Islam, which tolerates nothing except it’s own violent warped code and considers infidels especially white women as lower than animals.

This is also very much symptomatic of five decades of  the Cultural Marxism,         (commonly known as political correctness), of the Frankfurt School.
One part of their doctrine was, in order to destroy the nation state the mass immigration and the inevitable introduction of alien religions was required.
As we are only to well aware this part of their strategy has been hugely successful in the UK.


Consequentially, and  unsurprisingly, the media and state institutions are completely and utterly controlled by political correctness and liberal left multiculturalists.

How else then can it be that Muslim paedophile gangs have been operating with impunity despite child victims repeatedly approaching the authorities for help if not the fear of being accused of racism?

How else could this be allowed to happen unless to protect so called “Community Cohesion” a code word for enforced multiculturalism which cannot and will never work?

When British National Party leader Nick Griffin was the first to  expose the racist abuse of white children  in 2001 he was demonised as racist by the media. In fact the BBC and others conspired in 2004 to have him imprisoned for telling the truth!
Ironic indeed we now know that the BBC have been covering up for their own celebrity child rapists for decades!


Even still the British newspapers are incapable of  reporting truthfully on this terrifying epidemic.
I have yet to hear them describe these vile Muslim child rapists and torturers as “Paedophiles”. They steadfastly refuse to mention that  the common denominator of the men involved is their religion, Islam.
They continue to wave the flag of the failed doctrine of multiculturalism despite of what’s happening to these poor white children.
They continue to fixate on the cult of Stephen Lawrence, while almost completely ignoring the racist elements in many murders of white people by ethnic perpetrators.

Bizarrely, and unbelievably, Telegraph blogger Sean Thomas tries to blame Nick Griffin and the British National Party for the state cover up.
There's one more figure who played an important role in this saga. As long ago as 2001, Nick Griffin, the leader of the BNP, was making claims about Asian grooming gangs. In 2004 he repeated these allegations in a speech clandestinely recorded by the BBC for a TV documentary, Secret Agent. He was arrested and charged with inciting racial hatred.

Which is exactly what he was doing, of course. He was making his allegations to stir up ethnic strife. The political Establishment, conscious of the BNP's record as liars, therefore presumed, fatally and glibly, that Griffin's accusations were just racist demagoguery. The result? No doubt Griffin feels vindicated today: for telling the truth before anyone else. And yet, paradoxically, it was his thuggish intervention that gave society another excuse to ignore the scandal. And thus the abuse continued”.

Sean will be telling the public next that we started the Second World War for God’s sake!


It’s a measure of the grip political correctness has on our country that a white Christian journalist dare not write about the religious and racist element of these vile crimes.
Instead criticism can only come from a fellow Muslim.

Writing in to-day’s Daily Mail Dr Taj Hargey says,

“ But apart from it’s sheer depravity, what also depresses me about this case is the widespread refusal to face up to hard realities.
The fact is that the vicious activities of the Oxford ring are bound up with religion and race: religion, because all the perpetrators, though they had different nationalities, were Muslim; and race because they deliberately targeted vulnerable white girls, whom they appeared to regard as “easy meat”, to use one of their revealing racist phrases.

He went on further, “Indeed , one of the victims who bravely gave evidence in court told a newspaper afterwards that “the men exclusively wanted white girls to abuse”.

“To pretend that this is not an issue for the Islamic community is to fall into a state of ideological denial.
But then part of the reason this scandal happened at all is precisely because of such political correct thinking. All the agencies of the state, including the police, the social services and the care system, seemed eager to ignore the sickening exploitation that was happening before their eyes.

Terrified of accusations of racism, desperate not to undermine the official doctrine of cultural diversity, they took no action against obvious abuse”.

This case and other similar ones before are the scandal of our age and we in Northern Ireland should prepare to protect our children against this phenomenon.
The Muslim population on both sides of the border is a burgeoning one and therefore a rape Jihad epidemic is inevitable if nothing is done.
Not one of our political parties in Northern Ireland, except the BNP, speaks out against mass immigration and asylum and the spread of Islam. On the contrary they actively support multiculturalism to the detriment of our own people.

UKIP may make the odd statement on control of immigration but are strangely uncritical of Islam and it’s adherents. Don’t be taken in by them !

If you have children or grandchildren don’t forget we are the only party who will ensure that Muslim Paedophile gangs, (or any paedophiles), will no longer be allowed to abuse our children. We are the only political party with the courage of our own convictions who will not hide behind political correctness.